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Fact Sheet: Fiscal Year 2008 Preparedness Grants

Release Date: February 1, 2008

In Fiscal Year 2008, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) will award more than $3 billion in grants to states, territories, urban areas, and transportation authorities under 14 programs to bolster national preparedness capabilities and protect critical infrastructure. Fiscal year 2008 grant programs provide $376.3 million over last year to enhance the nation's ability to prevent, protect against, respond to and recover from terrorist attacks, major disasters and other emergencies. This includes the Department's two largest grant programs:  the Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) totaling $1.69 billion and the Infrastructure Protection Program (IPP) totaling $852.4 million.

What's New for Fiscal Year 2008

  • The department focuses on three funding priorities for FY 2008:
    • measuring progress against the National Preparedness Guidelines
    • strengthening preparedness planning
    • strengthen IED prevention, protection and recovery
  • Law Enforcement Activities will become part of both the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) and Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) programs, with a requirement to spend at least 25 percent of each award on these important prevention and protection activities.  This wil result in an increase of more than $66 million dollars from FY 2007 on prevention activities alone
  • The department is more narrowly focusing the funding priorities this year, with the goal of targeting funding where the largest gaps reside
  • As a result of the Post Katrina Emergency Management Reform Act, the 10 FEMA regions will have an enhanced role in grant activities
  • The burden on grantees will be reduced as the Enhancement Plan portion of the application has been replaced by the State Preparedness Report
  • The department's risk methodology for the grants has been revised to reflect input from the 9/11 Act, including the use of Metropolitan Statistical Areas
  • The department's port-wide risk management activities have expanded this year, and include ports in Group 2, instead of only Group 1
  • The department is also releasing many grant programs on the same day, with the goal of getting application materials out to the eligible applicants approximately two weeks sooner than last year's timeline

Homeland Security Grant Program (HSGP) - $1.69 billion

HSGP is a wide-reaching program that funds planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise activities in support of the National Preparedness Guidelines and related plans and programs, such as the National Incident Management System (NIMS), National Response Framework (NRF), and the National Infrastructure Protection Plan (NIPP). This year, 25 percent of the overall funding must address preparedness planning and mitigating the threat of improvised explosive devices. Tier I and II urban areas will be eligible to use up to 25 percent of UASI funds to support counterterrorism personnel costs and states may use up to 15 percent of SHSP funds for counterterrorism personnel costs.  This responds to the needs of cities, giving them additional flexibility in how they choose to use the funding, provided it meets DHS criteria. HSGP includes:

State Homeland Security Program (SHSP) - $862.9 million.  SHSP supports building and sustaining capabilities at the state and local levels through planning, equipment, training, and exercise activities and helps states to implement the strategic goals and objectives included in state homeland security strategies.  SHSP provides funding to all 56 states and territories based on a combination of formula, risk, and effectiveness.

Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) - $781.6 million.  UASI addresses the unique multi-disciplinary planning, operations, equipment, training, and exercise needs of high-threat, high-density urban areas.  This program provides funding to high-risk urban areas based on risk and effectiveness.

Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Activities In addition, the department is directing that at least 25 percent of funds allocated from both SHSP and UASI build state and local law enforcement terrorism prevention capabilities.

Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) - $39.8 million.  MMRS assists designated metropolitan areas to sustain and further enhance regionally integrated all-hazards mass casualty preparedness and response capabilities to achieve: progress in meeting designated target capabilities; increased integration with statewide mass casualty initiatives and capabilities; and effective coordination with mutually supportive program guidance from the Department of Health and Human Services and other relevant federal agencies.  This program provides funding on a formula basis to 124 MMRS jurisdictions.

Citizen Corps Program (CCP) - $14.5 million.  CCP supports Citizen Corps Councils in efforts to engage citizens in personal preparedness, exercises, ongoing volunteer programs, and surge capacity response, in order to better prepare citizens to be fully aware, trained, and practiced on how to prevent, protect/mitigate, prepare for, and respond to all threats and hazards.  This program provides funding on a formula basis to all 56 states and territories.

Infrastructure Protection Program (IPP) - $852.4 million

IPP supports specific activities to protect critical infrastructure, such as ports, mass transit, highways, rail and transportation. IPP grants fund a range of preparedness activities, including strengthening infrastructure against explosive attacks, preparedness planning, equipment purchase, training, exercises, and security management and administration costs.  IPP is comprised of five separate grant programs:

Transit Security Grant Program (TSGP) - $388.6 million.  TSGP supports sustainable, risk-based efforts to protect critical transit infrastructure from terrorism, especially explosives and non-conventional threats that would cause major disruption to commerce and significant loss of life. Funding is provided to owners and operators of the nation’s critical transit infrastructure, including rail, intra-city bus, ferry systems, and Amtrak.  For the highest risk urban areas, this funding is provided as a regional allocation; for other urban areas, funding is awarded on a competitive basis.

  • TSGP to intracity sytems - $348.6 million.  TSGP provides funding to owners and operators of transit systems, which include intracity bus, rail, and ferry systems, focused on employee training, infrastructure protection (e.g. intrusion detection, hardening of tunnel ventilation and drainage systems) and deterrence activities like canine teams. Eligible systems and the amount of funding available to those systems is based on a formula that includes ridership, track miles, number of stations, and threat.
  • Intercity Passenger Rail Security - $25 million.  TSGP provides funding to Amtrak to harden underground and underwater track and tunnels against IEDs, train key employees in counter-terrorism, and expand visible deterrence activities.
  • Freight Rail Security - $15 million.  TSGP provides funding to freight railroad carriers and owners of railroad cars used in the transportation of Security-Sensitive Material (SSM) to improve freight rail security.  Funds may be used to conduct vulnerability assessments, develop security plans, and security awareness and emergency response training for frontline employees.

Port Security Grant Program (PSGP) - $388.6 million.  PSGP supports sustainable, risk-based efforts to enhance access control and credentialing, protect against IED and other non-conventional attacks, and conduct disaster-response scenarios. PSGP funds are awarded on the basis of risk and competition to eligible ports, as well as eligible ferry systems.

Buffer Zone Protection Program (BZPP) - $48.5 million.   BZPP supports the development and implementation of Buffer Zone Plans for preventing and protecting the perimeter of critical infrastructure sites, including chemical facilities, nuclear and electric power plants, dams, stadiums, arenas and other high-risk areas from terrorist site surveillance or attacks with a focus on public-private partnership and fusion center coordination. This program provides funding to states and territories with eligible critical infrastructure and key resource (CI/KR) sites.

Trucking Security Program (TSP) - $15.5 million.  TSP provides funding to identify and recruit highway professionals (carriers, drivers, first responders, highway workers) to actively participate in an anti-terrorism and security awareness program, as well as implement program training and 24/7 call center support.

Intercity Bus Security Grants (IBSGP) - $11.1 million.  IBSGP focuses on vulnerability assessments, security plans and preparedness exercises for explosives and non-conventional threats.  Program priorities include facility, driver and vehicle security enhancements; emergency communications technology; coordinating with local police and emergency responders; training and exercises; and passenger and baggage screening programs in defined UASI service areas.  IBSGP provides funding competitively to eligible charter and fixed route intercity bus systems servicing UASI urban areas.   

Emergency Management Performance Grants (EMPG) - $291.4 million

EMPG is a cost-share program that assists state and local governments in sustaining and enhancing the effectiveness of their emergency management programs.  This program provides funding on a formula basis to all 56 states and territories, as well as the Federated States of Micronesia and the Republic of the Marshall Islands.

Operation Stonegarden Grants (OPSG) - $60 million

OPSG is an element of the FY 2008 State Homeland Security Grant Program.  OPSG funds land border jurisdictions’ efforts to improve border security, encourage local operational objectives and capabilities to enhance federal and state Homeland Security strategies, and improve capabilities required for border security and protection.

Regional Catastrophic Preparedness Grant Program (RCP) - $60 million

RCP provides funding to advance catastrophic incident preparedness to Tier I and designated Tier II Urban Areas Security Initiative (UASI) Jurisdictions.  The goal of RCP is to support an integrated planning system that enables regional all-hazard planning for catastrophic events and the development of necessary plans, protocols, and procedures to manage a catastrophic event.

  • Tier 1: Chicago, Houston, Los Angeles/Long Beach, National Capital Region, Jersey City/Newark, New York, San Francisco Bay Area
  • Tier 2: Boston, Honolulu, Norfolk, Seattle

REAL ID Systems Integration and Data Verification Grant Program – $48.5 million

This program addresses a key recommendation of the 9/11 Commission Report to enhance the security and protections that are needed to enhance the integrity and reliability of drivers’ licenses and identification cards.  The REAL ID program will help states improve ID issuance capabilities and position states to work collectively to develop more secure systems to verify a person’s identity.  With this funding, states can enhance ID issuance, security features and safeguards to protect against fraud and identity theft.

Urban Areas Security Initiative Nonprofit Security Grant Program (UASI-NSGP) - $15 million

UASI-NSGP provides funding to support target-hardening activities by nonprofit organizations that are considered at high risk for international terrorist attack.  While this funding is provided specifically to high-risk nonprofit organizations, the program seeks to integrate nonprofit preparedness activities with broader state and local preparedness efforts. Nonprofit organizations that are at high risk of international terrorist attack and are located within one of the specific UASI-eligible urban areas must apply to the SAA for funds.

This page was last reviewed/modified on February 1, 2008.