



Program Areas







Recent Online Publications

NWQEP NOTES Newsletter

Current issue: Notes # 130, December 2008
Stroud Preserve, PA National Monitoring Program Project: Water Quality Functions of a 15-year-old Riparian Forest Buffer System

Back issues of NWQEP NOTES

Sediments Newsletter (NC DENR Land Quality) Current Issue: September-December. 2008 - A Variety of Training Opportunities. Also, update on EPA Proposed Effluent Limitation Guidelines for Construction Sites

Sediments Newsletter (NC DENR Land Quality) Previous Issue: July-September. 2008 - EPA Re-Issues the Construction General Permit, Effluent Limit Guideline Soon

Back Issues of Sediments Newsletter

Recent Research Publications

Line, Daniel. 2007. Effects of Development on Runoff and Pollutant Export

Upcoming Events

Event: Assessment and Identification of Riparian Vegetation
When: May 12-13, 2009, Pittsboro, NC
ncsu stream restoration program logo

This two-day course will introduce students to vegetation assessment of riparian areas along streams that will potentially be restored. Existing riparian condition will be examined and discussed in both classroom and field settings. Topics will include stream bank stability from a vegetative perspective, evaluation of current plant inventory, invasive vegetation issues, and potential planting constraints.

Email: karen_hall@ncsu.edu for more information.
Event: Coastal Plain Restoration Tour - Implementation & Evaluation
When: May 5-6, 2009 - Edenton, NC
This two day workshop will combine lecture and instruction on coastal restoration with site visits to innovative research and mitigation sites in eastern North Carolina. The focus of this year’s tour will be on the current rules and practice of headwater stream and valley restoration. Participants will learn about implementation and evaluation of channel relocations, floodplain connections, in-stream structures, streambank stabilization, riparian buffer planting, and habitat enhancements. Instruction will focus on the unique aspects and challenges of coastal restoration, including special recommendations for construction activities.
Email kris_bass@ncsu.edu for more information
Event: Erosion and Sediment Control in the Mountains
When: 2009 dates to be determined....

This workshop will address local challenges and present solutions about erosion and sediment control in the mountains. Learn the updates to the Erosion & Sediment Control Manual, take an indepth look at common obstacles with E&S control and solutions, and learn how to control erosion, sediment, and curb turbidity on sloped, mountainous areas. Includes vendor showcase.

Email Carter Cone for more information

Event: Stream Restoration Construction Training
When: 2009 dates to be determined....
bae_logo.jpg This three day workshop is designed to cover background, construction techniques, and bidding methods on stream restoration projects.
Email Jan Patterson for more information

Event: AutoCAD Use for Stream Monitoring & 3-d Stream Restoration
When: 2009 dates to be determined....
This five-day course is designed for engineers and designers to gain familiarity with AutoCAD as a stream monitoring and restoration design tool.
Email Kris Bass for more information
Event: Taxonomy and Pollution Ecology of Aquatic Insects
When: April 14-16, 2009 - AB Tech, Asheville, NC
ryacoph.jpg Benthic macroinvertebrate larvae (aquatic insects) play key roles in many regulatory water quality programs in North Carolina. This workshop will introduce the participants to the basic ecology and taxonomy of aquatic insects.
Email dave_penrose@ncsu.edu for more info
Event: River Course 101 and 201
When: March 24-26, April 14-16, 2009 - Raleigh, NC
May 19-21, 2009 and June 2-4, 2009 - Asheville, NC

RC 101: Stream Morphology Assessment
RC 201: Natural Channel Design Principles

Email cathy_smith@ncsu.edu for more information
Event: 17th National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Workshop: Getting the Point about Nonpoint.
When: September 14-17, 2009 - New Orleans, LA
By bringing together NPS personnel from state, federal, Tribal and municipal governments, private sector, academia, environmental groups and local watershed organizations, this workshop will focus on innovative solutions to NPS issues, effective monitoring techniques, demonstrations of new technologies, application of Best Management Practices (BMPs), and lessons learned from Section 319 National Monitoring Program projects and other watershed projects from throughout the United States.
Email Jean Spooner for more information
Event: 2008 Southeast Regional Stream Restoration Conference
When: November 3-6, 2008 - Asheville, NC
This biennial conference will cover stream restoration planning, design, construction, financing, and monitoring in the Southeast. It will include research presentations, restoration case studies, posters, industry exhibits, networking opportunities, and tours of local stream restoration projects.
Email karen_hall@ncsu.edu for more information


Presentations from the 2006 NC SRI Southeastern Regional Conference on Stream Restoration, held in Charlotte, NC on October 2-5, 2006, can be viewed at: