United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service
National Programs Aquaculture
Action Plan FY05 - FY09
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Rationale and Purpose for the Program

Significant expansion of U.S. aquaculture is in the national interest.  The U.S. is the world's largest seafood market.  However, rising global populations and steady or declining natural fisheries stocks threaten future supplies of seafood.  The United Nations projects a global shortfall of 10-40 million metric tons of seafood needed for human consumption by 2010.  At present the U.S. is heavily dependent on imported seafood with over 40 percent of its fish and shellfish supplied by other nations.  The U.S. seafood trade deficit is the largest for any agricultural commodity, and the second largest, after petroleum, for any natural product.  Further development of a strong, sustainable domestic aquaculture industry can offset dependence on imported seafood and help assure safe, affordable, and high quality appealing products for U.S. consumers.

U.S. aquaculture expanded steadily in the 1980's and 1990's, but is now leveling-off. Most of the growth was attributable to catfish farming which accounts for over two-thirds of U.S. aquaculture production and over half the value.  Despite this growth, the U.S. ranks only tenth in the world in the value of its aquaculture production, and over $1 billion of imported seafood now comes from farm-raised fish and shellfish grown in other countries.  There is major potential and opportunity for a substantially larger U.S. aquaculture industry comprised of multiple fish and shellfish species.

A national investment in research and technology development will be the foundation for the industry's growth.  As the Department of Agriculture's in-house research agency, the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) will be in the forefront of fundamental and applied research to enhance the production efficiency, sustainability, and quality of cultivated aquatic organisms.

Program Vision

Aquaculture will be the most likely source of food fish going into the 21st century.  With increasing seafood demand and declining capture fisheries, global aquaculture production will have to increase by 500 percent by the year 2025, to meet the projected needs of a world population of 8.5 billion.  The U.S. has the natural resources and broad interest from private individuals and industry to be in a strong- position to help meet this need.  The application of new tools in molecular biology and re-circulation systems engineering in support of traditional husbandry, bio-control, and environmental sciences have the potential of improving the economic competitiveness and sustainability of U. S. aquaculture. A missed opportunity in U. S. agriculture is the integration of water use between agricultural irrigation and fish culture, i.e. over 150 million ac-ft/year are currently used in irrigated agriculture, that could easily be used to produce 20 million pounds/year of fish valued at $20 billion.


The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has the national capability and demonstrated performance to lead U.S. aquaculture research and technology development to dynamically enhance the U.S. aquaculture industry.  ARS and partners conduct an aquaculture research program that has contributed to national growth and global competitiveness of U. S. producers.  A strong USDA commitment to aquaculture research, technology development, and technology transfer through ARS and the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service, in cooperation with university and private research programs, and linked to State and regional agricultural extension programs, is needed to energize industry development, improve production efficiency, and assure quality and wholesomeness of farmed aquatic animals. Food safety is a serious concern at is addressed in the National Program on Food Safety-108.


 Future Program Needs:

1.                  Complete funding and staffing of ARS Research centers in AR, WV, and ME.

2.                  Add a new component on saltwater re-circulating systems research at the Freshwater Institute, Shepherdstown, WV and the program at the Stuttgart National Aquaculture Research Center, Stuttgart, Arkansas in collaboration with the Harbor Branch Oceanic Institute, Ft. Pierce, Florida. These systems eliminate the risk of escapements, bio-security, and issues on shore- line esthetics. Marine re-circulating systems have an immediate application for brood stock development and for research on highly infectious diseases.

3.                  Initiate new brood stock/genetic improvement programs for herbivorous, omnivorous and carnivorous food species.

4.                  Initiate strategically located shellfish genetic improvement programs on oysters, clams, and mussels with emphasis on disease resistance and stress tolerance and research employing bio-control approaches to restore habitats to promote sustainable production and restoration of estuarine habitats and water quality.

5.                  Conduct comprehensive multi-disciplinary research on the nutrient requirements of carnivorous species to allow them to efficiently perform on plant sources of nutrients.


This vision document is within the context of the action plan and identifies opportunities for new research thrusts in genetics including those molecular and husbandry sciences required for evaluating and improving germplasm /brood stock, integrated aquatic animal health management, sustainable and environmentally compatible aquaculture production systems, and quality, safety, and variety of aquaculture products for consumers.  Feed is the major cost for production of finfish and at the heart of several issues concerning the role of aquaculture in producing wholesome human food and environmental/sustainability. Application of animal and plant genetics, nutrition science and feed technology can improve the sustainable outlook for aquaculture.   This plan will leverage and add to cross commodity basic knowledge investment in biotechnology, genomics, bioinformatics, and engineering by bringing special focus to the solving problems of the aquaculture industry.  ARS currently conducts research on several warm-water, cool-water, and cold-water aquatic species at 20 intramural and extramural locations with 49 scientists and $33.3 million in funding. The primary species currently cultured in the U.S. are catfish, crawfish, trout, salmon, hybrid striped bass, and tilapia.  However, American consumers demand other species, notable shrimp, for which the trade deficit is now several billion U. S. dollars, annually.


Because aquatic species are cold-blooded and have specific optimum temperature requirements, industry growth and research locations are often centered in specific regions of the U.S.  For example, the catfish and crawfish industries are primarily centered in the Southeastern United States, while the rainbow trout production areas are mainly in the Northwestern and Northeastern U.S.  The U.S. salmon industry is likely to remain along the coasts of the Northeastern and Northwestern U.S.  Mollusks culture occurs along the coast in many areas of the country.  Tilapia production is limited to either the extreme Southern U.S. in open pond systems, or in indoor or semi closed systems throughout the country where sources of warm water are available.  Although there is only limited U.S. shrimp production in Hawaii and warmer areas of the continental U.S., a number of studies provide information for future industry development, germplasm release, and technology transfer, which could establish a significant industry in the U.S. that can help fulfill consumer demand.  Research on ornamental species to close the lifecycle could decrease the harvest of rare tropical species for sale, reduce risks associated with imports and be useful to extrapolate to other fishes as research models. Additional freshwater species such as striped bass/hybrid striped bass, yellow perch, and sturgeon; and many marine fish, shellfish, and crustaceans could develop into viable commercial industries if research programs solve problems limiting commercial culture.

Without additional research, it is likely that industry growth over the next decade will occur in the current commercial culture areas.  Research projects should continue in those regions and the species produced, but with a future vision on the development of innovative, intensive culture systems and strategies that close the life-cycle of new species and promote national industry growth and attempt to break the tradition of only regional/coastal production.  The ARS National Aquaculture Research Program needs to provide the knowledge to support culture of a wider diversity of species throughout the U.S. in the future.

Mission Statement
:  Conduct high quality, relevant, basic and applied aquaculture research to improve the efficiency, profitability, and sustainability of United States aquaculture, and reduce dependence on imported seafood and threatened ocean fisheries.


ARS established national programs for organizing and communicating its research programs with customers, stakeholders and partners in 1996.  A national program on aquaculture was established to provide leadership in aquaculture research for the U.S. aquaculture industry.  The ARS Aquaculture National Program Team held a National Program Planning Workshop on June 5-6, 1997 in New Orleans, Louisiana to establish program direction and implementation of the plan.  An Action Plan was written providing the basis for prospectuses and project plans development, ad hoc peer panel review and the authority for the research conducted for the last five years.  The second National Program Planning Workshop was held jointly between ARS and The Cooperative States Research, Education, and Extension Service on November 20 to 22, 2002 in St. Louis, Missouri.  The objectives of the workshop were to: validate and update the ARS Aquaculture National Program Action Plan, learn about customer, stakeholder, and partner needs, communicate ARS capabilities and accomplishments, and help us maintain program relevance.  Review of output from the workshop indicated that the ARS Aquaculture National Program was generally on target.  There was a sense of urgency detected in customer presentations for information to solve problems with over-arching themes or contexts such as reducing costs of inputs, increasing production efficiency, improving fish and shellfish health, developing and protecting domestic genetic resources, increasing environmental compatibility and sustainability, and improving product quality.  This Action Plan will attempt to incorporate economic evaluation of aquaculture research holistically involving the production system.  Integration of biological, engineering, and social sciences will focus on environmental stewardship, animal well-being, bio-security, and other contemporary societal issues in food production.  This program will focus on species and products with customer and stakeholder support.  Many of the advances made while working on these dominant species is expected to be applicable to many lesser species, thus supporting an increase in product diversity.  The Action Plan will be reviewed and revised, as a function of changing research needs, opportunities, priorities, and available resources.

Anticipated Outcomes and Impacts over 5 Years
  • Improved germplasm, health products, fish feeds, and environmentally friendly production systems technology for use by fish farmers. 
  • Increased availability of high quality, safe, competitively priced, nutritious and appealing aquaculture products. 
  • Reduced U.S. trade deficit. 
  • Decreased pressure on threatened commercial capture fisheries. 
  • Expansion of domestic and export markets for U.S. aquaculture products and supporting ancillary industries. 
  • Jobs creation and contribution to long-term economic growth, particularly in rural and coastal areas.

Program Components

  • Genetic Improvement 
  • Integrated Aquatic Animal Health Management 
  • Reproduction and Early Development 
  • Growth and Development, and Nutrition 
  • Aquaculture Production Systems 
  • Sustainability and Environmental Compatibility of Aquaculture 
  • Quality, Safety and Variety of Aquaculture Products for Consumers

Recent Program Accomplishments

  • In 2001, ARS and the Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station made an improved strain of channel catfish (NWAC-103) available to producers.  The NWAC-103 strain was shown to grow faster than other strains used by producers.  Surveys indicate about 100 million NWAC-103 fingerlings  (which represents 5 to 10 percent of the fingerlings) were stocked in spring 2002.  
  • ARS has developed an enteric septicemia vaccine (ESC) for catfish.  Twenty-five percent of catfish raised in 2002 were vaccinated against ESC.  The ESC vaccinated fish outperformed non-vaccinated fish and increased producer profits by about $600 per acre. 
  • In 2002, scientists at the Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture Research Center in Leetown, West Virginia, analyzed 45,000 expressed sequence tags that represented genes expressed in rainbow trout kidney, liver, spleen, muscle, brain, and gill tissues.  The sequencing phase of this project has been completed and the bioinformatic analyses begun.  Completion of this research will greatly increase the number of rainbow trout gene sequences available for defining how gene expression impacts important aquaculture production traits that lead to genetic improvement.



There has been limited genetic improvement of aquaculture stocks so there are major opportunities for improvement through traditional animal breeding, broodstock development, germplasm preservation, molecular genetics, and allied technologies.  Research will address improvement of growth rates, feed efficiency, survival, disease resistance, fecundity, yield, and product quality; genetic characterization and gene mapping; and conservation and utilization of important aquatic germplasm.


Genetically efficient, sustainable, and humane production of food from aquatic organisms will be the goal.


Accelerate genetic improvement of aquatic species leading to more efficient and profitable production of healthy, nutritious and palatable aquatic products.


Reduced production costs and losses for farmers, creation and maintenance of globally competitive aquatic products in diverse production environments, increasing consumer choice and reducing consumer costs.


USDA-ARS National Programs: 101 Food Animal Production; 103 Animal Health; 105 Animal Well-Being and Stress Control Systems; 107 Human Nutrition; USDA, ARS National Animal Germplasm Repository (NAGP)

Other Agencies and Departments: U.S. Colleges of Agriculture and State Agricultural Experiment Stations, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Geological Survey

Private Sector: U.S. Aquaculture and Grower Associations, U.S. Aquatic Animal Farmers

Problems to be addressed

a.  Conserve, characterize, and utilize genetic resources

U.S. aquaculture production occurs in a wide array of environments and management systems.  The efficiency of livestock and poultry production has dramatically improved due to advances in genetic selection programs; however, genetic improvement of cultured aquatic species has lagged behind traditional livestock species.  Maintaining genetic diversity will be essential for providing a diverse genetic basis for current and future breeding programs that will develop stocks with efficient performance in different climates and production systems, when exposed to new diseases, and provide quality products that meet the changing demands of consumers.  As breeding programs develop and progress, research is needed to determine physical and genetic characteristics of domestic and wild species, develop the means to identify and protect improved stocks from foreign encroachment, and conserve valuable germplasm.  DNA of relevant germplasm will be stored and provided to researchers for genomic characterization and analysis.  The National Animal Germplasm Program will assist in conservation efforts for future use, and the information will be stored in the animal component of the GRIN (Genetic Resources Information Network) database.


1.      Isolate and maintain genetic resources (sperm and eggs, DNA, tissue and genomic information) in a repository for potential use by industry and research.

2.      Quantify genetic variation and genetic distance between and within strains of aquaculture species.

3.      Identify phenotypic and molecular differences between stocks and species, which will be used to characterize and develop markers for unique traits or characteristics identified or developed within the U.S.


1.      Sample and characterize current stock resources by quantitative genetic analysis and molecular experimentation.

2.      Survey genetic resources of the different available species and strains and assess their potential for development.

3.      Identify distinct morphology or DNA sequences specific to developed stocks or traits and use these to establish rights for the protection of germplasm and stocks.

4.      Evaluate species and strains for economically relevant traits including disease resistance, environmental tolerance, and adaptation to production systems.


  • Quantify the status of the nation’s available aquatic genetic resources. 
  • Enhance and improve the development of strains and stocks for commercial production. 
  • Protect and conserve developed strains. 
  • Recommend to industry how to utilize diverse genetic resources in different production systems and environments and maintain genetic diversity.

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Newport, OR 
  • Orono/Franklin, ME

b.  Selective breeding for economically important traits

Improving biological efficiency and reducing production losses is achieved through selective breeding.  There has been limited improvement of aquaculture stocks so major opportunities exist to improve methods of genetic evaluation, genetic characterization, and understanding of genotype by environment interactions of economically important traits.  Applied breeding programs for aquatic species are critically needed to accelerate selection response toward efficient and profitable production of healthy, nutritious, and palatable aquatic products and improve the health and well-being through enhanced adaption to different production environments and with greater resistance to disease.


1.      Clearly define target species and economically important traits for genetic improvement of aquaculture stocks.

2.      Initiate applied breeding programs for genetic improvement and evaluation of aquaculture stocks in multiple environments.

3.      Identify genes controlling relevant traits and the genetic correlations of economically important traits.

4.      Increase biological efficiency through selective breeding.


1.      Analysis of farm level production problems and consumer needs to identify selection goals for genetic improvement.

2.      Develop methodologies that are useful across multiple environments for collecting performance information on genetic groups of aquatic species.

3.      Define the quantitative and molecular genetic relationships among traits.

4.      Assess direct and correlated responses to selection.

5.      Evaluate and implement as needed multiple methods for genetic improvement such as selection, crossbreeding, and hybridization in breeding programs.


  • Relative economic values for traits of importance in aquaculture stocks will be identified. 
  • Improved systems for regional and national evaluations of aquaculture stocks. 
  • Technologies for accelerating genetic improvement in efficiency and profitability will be delivered to aquaculture producers. 
  • Deliver genetically improved lines or broodstocks to producers and consumers.

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Newport, OR 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Orono/Franklin, ME

c.  Genomic resources

Animal genomics will play an increasingly important role in assuring the continued profitability and competitiveness of U.S. agriculture.  Advances in the field of genomics are rapidly being implemented in strategies aimed at the genetic improvement of all agricultural species.  The United States aquaculture industry is an important segment of U.S. agriculture, yet genomic resources are currently underdeveloped for most aquaculture species.  Identifying, mapping, and understanding the function and control of genes will permit the utilization of new genetic technologies and increase our ability to realize the full genetic potential of important aquaculture species.  Efficient use of genomic technologies will also require the development of specific molecular genetic resources for each species of interest.  Genomic information will be integrated with genetic selection programs to increase genetic gains, develop new products for aquaculture production, and provide new management tools to increase production efficiency.


1.   Obtain suitable high-density genetic linkage maps for aquaculture species.

2.   Initiate physical maps for aquaculture species; yielding integrated physical/genetic maps that serve as comprehensive maps for comparative mapping with whole genome sequences of model organisms. 

3.   Develop genomic resources (molecular markers) for integrating functional genomics into existing aquaculture research programs.


1.   Develop and map microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphisms in well-characterized reference populations.

2.   Develop bacterial artificial chromosome physical (contig) maps for aquaculture species that integrate with the genetic linkage maps through common markers.

3.   Develop tissue specific cDNA libraries and sequences for inclusion in the construction of microarrays and other functional genomic technologies.

4.   Correlate phenotypic information with genetic markers in resource populations to identify quantitative trait loci for use in breeding programs.

5.   Utilize novel molecular genetic techniques (knockouts or insertions) or organisms to investigate the biological activity of specific genes and proteins for commercially important traits.


  • Microsatellite/single nucleotide polymorphism genetic linkage maps with sufficient marker coverage to choose subsets of markers for the identification of quantitative traits in resource families.  
  • Physical bacterial artificial chromosome maps anchored to genetic linkage maps, with integrated comprehensive maps serving as comparative maps with whole genome sequences of model species. 
  • Uniquely expressed transcripts and microarrays containing subsets of those transcripts for functional genomic experiments will be identified. 
  • Biochemical pathways and their modulation through controlled manipulation of genes will be defined.

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Orono/Franklin, ME

d.  Specific breeding aids

In addition to traditional selective breeding methodologies, specific breeding aids can be used to further genetic progress following application to breeding programs.  Specific breeding aids typically focus on chromosome set manipulations to alter phenotypes (sex), produce inbred lines, and impact reproduction.  Control of reproduction is also a critical limitation for most aquaculture species.  There are problems related to enabling reproduction in hard to spawn species and throughout the year in seasonal spawners, and conversely to limiting reproduction in animals at risk of escaping to the wild.  Cryopreservation of gametes and embryos is also a critical need for both germplasm conservation and applied breeding programs.  Cryopreservation may allow year round availability of gametes and permit crosses between animals that do not spawn contemporaneously.


1.      Induce spawning in hard to reproduce species.

2.      Enable year-round production of gametes.

3.      Limit reproduction and control sex (e.g. chromosome set manipulation, sex reversal)

4.      Suitable cryopreservation of gametes and embryos.


1.      Identify neuroendocrine limitations preventing spawning.

2.      Identify and replicate environmental cues needed for spawning induction.

3.      Develop techniques of meiotic and mitotic disruption (polyploidy, androgenesis, gynogenesis) resulting in chromosome set manipulations, highly inbred lines, or other methods of disrupting sexual development, and methods for production of single sex populations. 

4.     Determine optimum cryoprotectants, and rates of freezing and thawing for gametes and embryos.


  • Year round availability of seed for aquaculture animals will be accomplished. 
  • Reduced risk associated with commercial culture near natural populations of aquatic species. 
  • Unrestricted availability of gametes, especially sperm will be realized.

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Stuttgart, AR

e.  Bioinformatics and statistical analysis tools

Genomic and proteomic technologies used in breeding programs create large datasets that quickly outpace simple genetic analysis methods.  Bioinformatics tools are needed to assimilate and process information into functional components in breeding programs.  Statistical analysis software needs to be developed to interpret results from genomic/proteomic data and integrate this information into selective breeding programs.  Bioinformatics and statistical analysis tools specific for aquacultured species are poorly developed.  However, the types and format of molecular data from aquatic species are similar to those of other species.  Therefore researchers can integrate and optimize existing bioinformatics tools for aquaculture genomics and proteomics data.


1.      Relational databases containing genomic and physiological data.

2.      Computer software for analysis and application of molecular data.


1.      Develop relational databases to integrate molecular and physiological data.

2.      Integrate and optimize existing data analysis software.

3.      Develop software to facilitate comparative genomic analyses between species.

4.      Develop software for implementation of molecular data into genetic selection programs.


  • Genomic/proteomic information for aquaculture species and software for data management and application will be publicly available.

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Leetown, WV



The U.S. aquaculture industry is dependent, among other factors, on the control of endemic, emerging and catastrophic diseases that result in losses of aquatic animal production.  Despite the progress that has been made in aquatic animal health, significant losses to disease still occur.  Estimated losses to all aquatic animal producers are about $1 billion annually in the U.S. alone.  The lack of adequate technologies for early and rapid detection, prevention and treatment of diseases has hindered the growth and competitiveness of the U.S. aquaculture industry.  Some tools have been generated to detect the major disease agents in aquatic animal production, but few can be used on the farm.  Testing of these tools at production systems to show the U.S. farmers the practical value of being able to detect the disease agents in a rapid fashion is needed.  Effective vaccines against ESC have been developed by ARS and are being used in health management plans by aquatic animal farmers.  Further research is needed to provide new vaccines and methods for mass vaccination of aquatic animals as is utilized in other food animal industries.  Only a few drugs are approved for treating sick fish.  The overall strategy is to develop health management technologies and biosecurity plans that are safe for the environment and for the consumer of aquaculture products.


Establish a globally competitive, sustainable aquaculture industry in the U.S. through the development of successful aquatic animal health management strategies that will limit losses to disease, permit lower production costs, and improve product quality.

Mission Statement

Conduct high quality, relevant, basic and applied research and technology transfer to solve problems related to aquatic animal health.


The development of new animal vaccines and medicines as well as the establishment of health management strategies that can be used  by aquaculture producers will decrease the impact of infectious and non-infectious diseases in U.S. and world aquaculture.  Annual savings of about $700 million by a 70 % reduction in disease losses may be realized.


Other USDA-ARS National Programs: 101 Food Animal Production, 103 Animal Health, 105 Animal Well-Being and Stress Control, 108 Food Safety.

Other Agencies and Departments:  U.S. Colleges of Agriculture and State Agricultural Experiment Stations, U.S. Colleges and Schools of Veterinary Medicine, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USDA-APHIS-CVB, USDA-APHIS-VS, U. S. Food and Drug Administration.

Private sector:  U.S. Aquaculture and Grower Associations, U.S. Aquatic Animal Farmers, U.S. Vaccine, Diagnostics and Medicine Manufactures.

Problems to be addressed

a.  Pathogen identification and disease diagnosis

Methods and reagents to rapidly (within hours) detect pathogens and diagnose diseases in aquatic species are still unavailable or have not been applied at the farm.  Methods and reagents to identify strains of aquatic animal pathogens also need to be developed.  Automated detection systems are currently not available or in use.  Further, non-lethal tests are needed in detection and diagnostic methods.  Accurate determination of preclinical infections (i.e., prior to disease) will enhance the opportunities to determine the potential risk of disease occurring and allow for earlier intervention with preventative measures to reduce or eliminate the impact of emerging or catastrophic diseases in the U.S.  Domestic and international trade of aquatic animals needs rapid, automated and accurate tests to demonstrate that aquatic animals, seed stocks and products are free of harmful pathogens to prevent the introduction and spread of harmful diseases.


1.      Develop rapid and automated methods to detect infectious and non-infectious pathogens and toxins in aquatic animals.

2.      Apply the rapid and automated detection methods to protect U.S. trade, food and aquaculture industries.

3.      Develop methods that allow the identification of strains and sources of the pathogen prior to overt disease.

4.      Develop non-lethal detection and diagnostic methods for aquatic animals.


1.      Rapid species-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests will be developed using nucleic acid (DNA or RNA) sequence information from important aquatic animal pathogens.

2.      Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies will be produced against specific antigens that will be used in immunoassays to identify serotypes (strains) of major aquatic animal pathogens

3.      Monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies will be developed against the heavy chain of immunoglobulins of fish and used in immunoassays to monitor humoral responses to pathogens and vaccines.

4.      BIOLOG, whole cell fatty acid methyl esters (FAME), amplified fragmented length polymorphic and enterobacterial repetitive intergenetic concensus (ERIC) sequence methods will be used to help “fingerprint” strains of pathogens.


  • Rapid, early and automated detection of pathogens, diseases and carrier states will be realized using immunoassays and PCR in non-lethal formats. 
  • Rapid, early and automated detection methods will be applied on farms and by USDA- APHIS and State Animal Health facilities. 
  • Techniques for identification and serotyping pathogens prior to disease will be realized.

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL 
  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Orono/Franklin, ME

b.  Vaccines and medicines

Aquatic animal farmers have a lack of available vaccines and medicines to either prevent or treat infectious and non-infectious disease agents.  Development of new vaccines will likely rely on similar techniques that are currently employed such as killed, modified live, DNA and recombinant technologies.  However, new and novel approaches for development of vaccines may be employed with information obtained from microbial genomics.  Vaccination strategies for mass vaccination will also need to be addressed.  Presently, some vaccines are available but are only effective when administered by injection or with adjuvant.  These treatments are impractical and not usually economically feasible.  The ultimate goal of vaccine research is to develop a product that is safe, easy to administer and effective on the farm.  The approach to new aquatic animal medicines will require novel strategies for identification of effective medicines that are safe to the environment, to the target animal, and to the consumer.  A better understanding of the pharmacokinetics (i.e., dose, uptake, residue accumulation, reactions, safety) of currently available and new medicines is needed.  Methods for delivery of new or approved medicines also need to be studied.  Strategies such as oral application, improving palatability and/or the use of water treatment must be determined.  Cooperation in the approval process and application of medicines is needed for establishment of safe medicines legal for use in aquatic animals.


1.      Develop safe and effective vaccines and medicines for prevention and control of economically important pathogens of aquatic animals.

2.      Identify effective mass delivery strategies for aquatic animal vaccines and medicines.

3.      Conduct research and development to support approval and licensing of new aquatic animal vaccines and medicines.


1.      Produce vaccines and medicines that can be experimentally tested in the laboratory for safety and effectiveness.

2.      Apply vaccines and medicines using mass delivery strategies in on farm trials.

3.      Design studies to evaluate the phamacokinetics of new aquatic animal medicines.

4.      Evaluate the safety and effectiveness of new aquatic animal vaccines and medicines in approved trials to aid the licensing agencies (i.e., USDA-APHIS-CVB, FDA).


  • New killed, modified live, DNA and recombinant vaccines and methods for mass vaccination will be developed. 
  • Environmentally friendly, effective and food safe medicines to treat aquatic animal diseases will become available.

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Leetown, WV 

c.  Immunology and disease resistance

Limited information is available on immune system function of economically important species of aquatic animals.  The lack of information is partly due to the lack of methods and reagents available to study the immune response of fish.  Historically, most research has been invested in human and other production animal immunology.  Part of the reason for the lack of information is that reagents developed in other animal species to identify immune cells and humoral components do not always react with fish cells and components.  New reagents need to be developed that correctly identify the immune cells and humoral components of the fish immune system.  Little information is available on the immune response of the cells in the fish skin, gut, mucus tissue, and nare.  This information is important to understand the first line of defense in fish due to the intimate contact with the surrounding water.  More information is needed on factors such as genetics, the environment, husbandry, stress, nutrition, species of fish and the pathogen that influence disease resistance and immunity in fish.  Future studies will likely concentrate on the immune response of the fish following vaccination. 


1.      Develop methods to characterize cells and regulatory substances (cytokines) important in natural resistance and acquired immunity in aquatic animals.

2.      Assess the importance of the immune response (i.e., antibody or cell mediated) following vaccination that results in the protective immune response.

3.      Answer basic questions about the immune responses of the skin, gut and nare to economically important pathogens.

4.      Answer questions about the influence of various factors (i.e., environment, genetics, nutrition, husbandry) that affect innate and acquired immunity. 


1.      Use fundamental knowledge obtained from animal immunology to design studies to isolate and characterize cells and cytokines of aquatic animal immune systems.

2.      Characterize the natural and acquired immune responses by isolation and characterization of important immune cells and/or immune molecules from the fish skin, gut and nare.

3.      Identify the mechanisms of protective immune responses following vaccination.

4.      Identify the importance and interactions of genetics (i.e., individual variation), the environment (i.e., temperature, season, photoperiod), stress (i.e., water quality, pollution, stocking density, handling and transport, etc.), nutrition (feed quality and quantity, micronutrients, etc.), aquatic animal (i.e., age, species or strains) and pathogen (exposure level, type, serovar, virulence) on innate and acquired immunity. 


  • The cells and cytokines important in natural resistance and acquired immunity in aquatic animals will be characterized. 
  • The immune response following vaccination that results in protective immunity against the economically important pathogens will be determined. 
  • The immune responses of the skin, gut and nare will be characterized. 
  • The importance and interactions of environment, stress, genetics, nutrition, husbandry, aquatic animal and pathogen that affect innate and acquired immunity will be determined. 

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Orono/Franklin, ME

d.  Mechanism of disease

The understanding of the pathogenesis of aquatic animal pathogens at the cellular and organismal level is inadequate.  Basic information is also needed on the sources of infection (i.e., water, carrier fish, birds), modes of transmission (i.e., vertical from mother to offspring or horizontal from fish to fish), routes of entry (e.g., nares or gills), mechanisms of pathogen virulence and host response.  The lack of in vitro and in vivo models to investigate mechanisms of pathogenesis and virulence is hindering a better understanding of disease mechanisms.


1.      Develop challenge models in the laboratory that reflect on farm conditions to assess pathogenesis of disease.

2.      Develop in vitro methods to determine mechanisms of pathogenesis.

3.      Develop basic information on the sources of infection, modes of transmission, routes of entry, virulence mechanisms and host response to economically important infectious and non-infectious diseases.

4.      Discover novel natural product-based compounds for use in managing diseases.


1.      Develop in vitro and in vivo models for parasites, viruses, bacteria and toxin investigations.

2.      Conduct microbiological, parasitological and epidemiological research to identify the sources of infection, modes of transmission, routes of entry, virulence mechanisms and host response.

3.      Conduct pathological research to determine mechanisms of pathogenesis and virulence.

4.      Conduct bacterial bioassays to screen natural and natural product-based compounds to identify novel, selective disease control agents.


  • In vitro and in vivo models for parasites, viruses, and bacteria investigations will be developed. 
  • The sources of infection, modes of transmission, routes of entry, virulence mechanisms and host response to infectious and noninfectious aquatic animal pathogens will be identified. Basic information on the mechanism of pathogenesis will be discovered. 

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Orono/Franklin, ME 
  • Oxford,MS 

e.  Epidemiology

Epidemiology by definition is the science that deals with the incidence, distribution and control of disease in a population.  Fish farmers have suggested that epidemiology is needed to solve aquatic animal health problems on the farm.  Many times aquatic animal farmers do not or are not able to identify where all the fish or animals stocked “go”.  For example catfish farmers cannot account for approximately 70 % of their fish at time of harvest.  Studies need to address and/or identify the risk factors controlling the presence or absence of disease.  Use of epidemiology will allow for the identification of the problem areas that can be addressed by health management plans and/or cost effective control strategies (i.e., vaccines and medicines). 


1.      Develop methods to assess risk factors associated with the economically important pathogens of aquatic animals

2.      Carry out basic epidemiology studies to identify disease prevalence, incidence, sources and origin of economically important aquatic animal pathogens.

3.      Establish estimates of the economic impact of various pathogens on aquatic animal production. 


  • Identification of major risk factors found in aquaculture production systems. 
  • The prevalence, incidence, source and origin of economically important pathogens will be determined. 
  • The estimated costs of diseases in aquatic animal production in different types of aquaculture systems will be determined. 

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Stuttgart, AR

f.  Microbial Genomics

There is a critical need to obtain a better understanding of the molecular basis by which microbial pathogens cause disease in and interact with their hosts.  Whole-genome sequencing is a powerful method for rapidly identifying all of the genes of a microbe and serves as the basis for future functional analysis of the newly discovered genes.  Large-scale analysis of the microbial pathogen’s genome will identify novel antigens, biochemical pathways, and virulence mechanisms that are important for pathogen survival, pathogenesis and immunity.  In the future, genomic research will provide the basis for designing new and effective vaccines, medicines and diagnostic reagents to help prevent and control infectious diseases. Presently, no whole-genome of an aquatic animal pathogen has been sequenced.


1.      Increase the amount of available genetic information of aquatic animal pathogens (virus, bacteria and protozoa).

2.      Develop and/or adapt bioinformatic tools to properly process the information generated.

3.      Apply this new genetic information to functional genomic approaches in order to correlate sequence with gene function.


1.      Construct genomic libraries using high-throughput sequencing of genomes of virus, bacteria or protozoa that are pathogenic for aquatic animals.

2.      Sequences will be combined into a whole genome shotgun assembly and organized using the appropriate bioinformatic tools. This assembly will be integrated with existing resources (e.g., expressed-sequence tags (ESTs).

3.      Make the data set publicly available via web-based tools and interfaces.


  • Genomic sequence information on genes important in pathogenesis and virulence will be generated. 
  • Knowledge of functional genomics of pathogenesis and virulence will be realized. 
  • Genes and gene products useful in the development of diagnostic tests, vaccines and medicines that can reduce or eliminate the impact of these pathogens in aquaculture will be identified. 

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Leetown, WV 

g.  Aquatic animal health management

More information is needed on fish responses to different stressors.  Husbandry techniques need to be developed that minimize the stress of the aquatic animals in production systems (i.e., information on handling and transport, stocking densities, water qualities).  Environmental factors including toxicogenic algae that effect animal well-being also need to be addressed.  This is especially important because water quality is important for aquatic animal well-being.  More information is needed on the sources of current and potential pollutants that may enter aquaculture production systems and negatively impact overall health of the aquatic animals.  Basic information is needed for development of biosecurity plans to prevent the spread of disease in aquaculture production systems, between wild and cultured fish, and between geographically isolated locations. 


1.      Improve health management practices currently used in aquaculture and at hatcheries.

2.      Identify factors of intensive aquaculture operations that can enhance animal well-being and decrease stress.

3.      Develop biosecurity plans to curtail the spread of diseases between geographical locations and between cultured and wild fish populations. 


1.      Conduct basic and applied research to enhance health management plans in production systems.

2.      Conduct basic research on behavior, husbandry and environmental factors that affect aquatic animal well-being.

3.      Conduct basic and applied biosecurity research for prevention and control of infectious and non-infectious disease in targeted species. 


  • Cost effective health management plans will be developed and employed by aquaculturists. 
  • Factors that affect animal well-being will be identified. 
  • Basic health management practices useful for the development of biosecurity plans for aquaculture production systems will be realized. 

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL 
  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Leetown, WV
  • Orono/Franklin, ME



Successful and efficient reproduction is essential for sustainable aquaculture.  There are many opportunities for improving reproduction and early development of cultivated aquatic organisms.  Development of domestic strains with increased fertility will allow more efficient production of aquatic species with desirable culture characteristics and consumer appeal.  Inefficiencies in maintaining viable seedstock, sexing of individuals, storing and utilizing gametes, and maintaining embryos and early life stages limits hatchery production, and utilization and conservation of valuable germplasm.  Suboptimal fertilization rates and poor development during early life stages reduces production efficiency and profitability.  Understanding requirements for proper gamete production and development of early life stages will lead to improved reproduction techniques.  Research efforts will improve the understanding of environmental, neuro-endocrine and genetic factors controlling reproduction in aquaculturally important species, and development of methods to enhance reproductive output, embryo development, and rearing of cultivated aquatic organisms during early life stages. 


Produce reproductively efficient aquatic strains that require fewer resources, are environmentally friendly, and supply aquaculture products that more fully meet consumer expectations. 


Research will seek to improve gamete and seedstock quality with year-round availability; improve development and survival during early life stages; and ultimately achieve optimum reproductive efficiency. 


Decrease overhead and unit cost of production of all aquatic species, resulting in greater profitability for U.S. aquaculture producers and in lower food costs for consumers. 


Other USDA-ARS National Programs: 101 Food Animal Production. 

Other Agencies and Departments: U. S. Colleges of Agriculture and State Agricultural Experiment Stations, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and U. S. Food and Drug Administration 

Private Sector: U. S. Aquaculture and Grower Associations. 

Problems to be addressed 

a.  Control of reproduction

Control of reproduction is essential for genetic selection, cost efficient and reliable production of seedstock and product quality.  Currently there are few species where specific seedstock can be induced to produce gametes year-round and the timing of gamete availability is optimal for grow-out strategies or genetic selection efforts.  Furthermore, the percentage of animals successfully producing high quality gametes is low, increasing hatchery costs; while on the other hand, the high energy demands of gonadal development in pre-market size animals reduces product quality and production efficiency.  Reproduction is regulated by environmental factors detected by higher brain centers, which in turn activate the neuro-endocrine system controlling gonadal development and spawning.  There is genetic variation in how the individual animal responds to these signals.  Controlling reproduction requires characterizing then managing the environment for optimum reproductive efficiency, which in turn requires understanding basic neuro-endocrine regulatory mechanisms and gonadal development and function.  Since optimal or even minimal requirements may not be met in captivity, hormonal intervention and other strategies may also be required. 


1.      Elucidate pathways for neuro-endocrine regulation of gonadal development and function, and identify candidate genes for enhancing reproductive efficiency.

2.      Elucidate environmental influences and the impact of stress on critical control points limiting reproductive efficiency.

3.      Develop methods to identify reproductive stage.

4.      Develop methods to alter timing of reproductive development. 


1.      Determine mechanisms of neuro-endocrine regulation of gonadal development and function.

2.      Identify genes whose expression is differentially regulated in individuals with enhanced reproductive efficiency.

3.      Determine environmental effects and stress on neuro-endocrine pathways controlling gonadal development and function.

4.      Develop diagnostic tools to identify reproductive stage.

5.      Determine environmental, neuro-endocrine, and genetic influences on the timing of reproductive events that are amenable to manipulation.

6.      Improve hormone delivery systems, the use of probiotics and other strategies for controlled reproductive development. 


  • Management strategies and techniques for controlling reproduction and enhancing efficiency, improved reproductive efficiency and on-demand production of gametes.
  • Ability to delay, shift, or prevent the onset of gonadal development. 

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Stuttgart, AR

b.  Control of Gender and Fertility

Among many aquatic species, one gender has characteristics that make it more desirable for food than the other.  The desirable gender for aquaculture is determined by several characteristics and different species may have a different preferred gender.  This difference in sex-associated characteristics can be taken advantage of by developing methods to produce only the desirable sex.  Monosex populations can be produced directly by exogenous hormone treatment if the fish are treated during early development, or by gynogenesis and androgenesis.  Indirect production of monosex populations can be produced by hormonal sex reversal combined with genetic backcrosses, gynogenesis, or androgenesis.  The indirect technique is often more desirable because parental strains are produced, and their progeny are then sold for aquaculture production.  Under some conditions, sterile animals, such as those produced by polyploid induction, are useful in aquaculture.  These animals cannot reproduce if they escape to the environment and often demonstrate increased growth. 


1.      Identify desirable gender-specific characteristics for aquaculture species.

2.      Determine the conditions by which gender can be controlled.

3.      Develop new technologies and improve current methods to control gender and fertility.

4.      Develop genetic techniques to determine the sex genotype. 


1.      Determine the type of sex determination model that exists for species important to the aquaculture industry.

2.      Identify protocols that will alter the sex phenotype of developing fish, including the use of hormones, gynognesis, androgenesis, and environmental effects on gender differentiation.

3.      Develop techniques to induce sterility, including polyploid induction.

4.      Develop genetic diagnostic tools to determine sex genotype independent of phenotype.

5.      Determine genetic location and function of gender related genes. 


  • Monosex seedstock to maximize desirable characteristics for improved production efficiency and market value. 
  • Seedstock that can be ownership protected since only the progeny are sold for grow-out. 
  • Understanding of gender-related genetic make-up and the plasticity of the sex determining system. 
  • Sterile animals to reduce risk of environmental damage will be produced if feasible. 

ARS Locations   

  • Leetown, WV 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Orono/Franklin, ME

c.  Gamete and Zygote Quality

Improvement of gamete quality or zygote (fertilized egg) quality is essential for cost efficient and reliable production of seedstock and genetic selection.  Egg quality is unacceptably low for all fish species.  The multitude of factors contributing to egg quality makes this a particularly difficult problem to address.  Determination of egg quality has genetic and environmental components.  Environmental factors affecting egg quality include but are not limited to improper environmental cues leading to failed neuro-endocrine regulation of gonadal development and function, stress, and diet.  Lacking is an understanding of what makes a good egg or high quality gametes.  Improving egg quality requires understanding basic processes involved in the assembly of the egg, and needs of the developing embryo; then providing the seedstock with the environmental conditioning and nutritional requirements to produce quality gametes (egg and sperm), followed by appropriate methods for spawning and fertilization.


1.      Elucidate processes involved in gamete production. 

2.      Elucidate environmental and neuro-endocrine influences on processes of gamete production.

3.      Develop methods to evaluate quality of gametes and zygotes.

4.      Identify diets appropriate for optimal gamete quality.

5.      Identify superior seedstock.


1.      Determine biochemical mechanisms involved in egg protein and lipid synthesis, production, uptake, and processing for optimal egg production.

2.      Determine environmental effects on biochemical and neuro-endocrine pathways controlling egg protein and lipid synthesis, production, uptake, and processing.

3.      Determine mechanisms involved in sperm production, spawning and fertilization that affect zygote quality, and elucidate environmental effects upon these mechanisms.

4.      Determine effects of diet on gamete and zygote quality.

5.      Develop diagnostic tools and indices to evaluate gamete and zygote quality.

6.      Determine characteristics of superior seedstock (genetics, age, size, fecundity, health, stress response).


  • Management strategies and diets resulting in high quality gametes and zygotes will be developed. 
  • Reduced loss from maintaining non-productive seedstock, and reduced mortality during hatchery operations. 
  • Reliable methods for identifying high quality seedstock standards will be realized.

ARS Locations

  • Leetown, WV
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Stoneville, MS

d.  Gamete and Embryo Storage, Cryopreservation, and Use

Artificial fertilization utilizing stored gametes extends longevity and use of superior germplasm many fold.  However, this technology is currently limited for aquatic species to the cryogenic preservation of sperm.  New and commercially applicable methods for cryopreservation of gametes and embryos could greatly enhance reproductive efficiency.  These new reproductive technologies can further increase the rate of genetic improvement and reduce costs of aquatic animal production.  Storage of embryos, eggs, and somatic cells would enable the preservation of genetic information.


1.      Develop new and improved existing methods for cryogenic preservation of sperm, somatic cells, eggs, and embryos of aquatic species.

2.      Develop improved methods of in vitro oocyte maturation and fertilization.

3.      Improve developmental competence of embryos.


1.      Develop freezing and thawing methods that result in improved fertility and survival of cryopreserved gametes and embryos.

2.      Evaluate biological and environmental factors that impact sperm, egg, and embryo survival after cryopreservation.

3.      Develop new technologies to improve fertilization and embryo development.


  • Reliable methods for cryogenic preservation of sperm, eggs and embryos will be developed.
  • Increased reproductive efficiency that expands use of superior germplasm.

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Ft. Collins, CO

e.  Early Life Stage Development and Survival

Maximum production efficiency requires all fertilized eggs to result in healthy, normally developed offspring that survive and grow to a juvenile stage.  Although 100% survival is unrealistic, survival to a juvenile life stage in many aquatic species is unacceptably low, often less than 10%.  Others are born with developmental abnormalities that contribute to losses throughout development or impact processing and consumer acceptance.  Factors contributing to losses during early life stages and/or inappropriate development are numerous and interacting. 


1.      Mitigate and prevent abnormal and inefficient growth and development during embryonic and early life stage development of cultured aquatic species.

2.      Improve embryo and early life stage handling, rearing and culture techniques to enhance survival and health.


1.      Identify genetic and physiological mechanisms causing inappropriate development and poor survival during embryonic and early developmental life stages.

2.      Develop culture techniques, including feeding strategies, and methods to control physiological mechanisms resulting in inappropriate development and poor survival.


  • Enhanced embryonic and early life stage development and survival. 
  • Reduce inputs used to obtain healthy offspring and improve production efficiency and profitability. 

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS
  • Stuttgart, AR



Growth and development, and nutrition are imperative for all animal production.  These components form the basis for economic production of high quality and healthy aquaculture products for the American public and for export.  Efficient growth and development is dependent upon an adequate supply of essential nutrients.  Altering dietary nutrients and energy, and feeding management can have a direct impact on the growth and development at different life stages, disease resistance, production efficiency, quality and quantity of final product as well as waste production.  Nitrogen, phosphorus and organic substances from unconsumed and undigested feed as well as metabolic wastes are the major sources of environmental pollution.  These compounds, at high concentrations, may lead to toxicity, health risk and growth depression.  Moreover, alternative sources of feed ingredients must be found to reduce the current heavy dependence of the aquaculture feed industry on fish meals and oils. Thus, appropriate nutrition to lower feed costs, improve production efficiency, reduce disease-related production losses, improve the quality of final product and reduce environmental impacts is fundamental for sustaining the growth and competitiveness of the U.S. aquaculture industry.


Develop efficient diets and feeding practices that optimize growth and development, enhance production efficiency, product quality, disease resistance, and minimize environmental impacts.          


To develop cost-effective feeds and feeding strategies for commercially important aquaculture species that maximize nutrient utilization, reduce disease-related production losses and reduce the impact on the environment arising from aquaculture.


Increasing production efficiency and providing healthy and nutritious food products from aquaculture species raised in culture systems that are environmentally sustainable.


Other USDA-ARS National Programs: 101 Food Animal Production; 103 Animal Health; 105 Animal Well-Being and Stress Control; 107 Human Nutrition; and 206 Manure and Byproduct Utilization.

Other Agencies and Departments: U. S. Colleges of Agriculture and State Agricultural Experiment Stations.

Private Sector: American Feed Industry Association; American Fish Farmers Associations

Problems to be addressed

a.  Regulating Feed Intake

A major controlling factor of growth across species is feed intake.  Feed costs represent the primary economic input into aquaculture production systems.  Metabolic and sensory factors affect short-term feeding behavior.  Long-term feeding behavior is controlled by the animal with its attempt to adjust to a defined equilibrium within its environment.  Understanding the mechanisms involved in regulating feeding behavior and appetite will lead to more efficient production of aquaculture species.


1.      To understand the mechanisms regulating feed intake in order to optimize the utilization of feed resources.

2.      Improve energy balance of commercially important aquaculture species at different phases of production.


1.      Elucidate roles of dietary constituents and additives (such as hormones and growth promoters), nutritional metabolites in regulating feed intake.

2.      Identify hypothalamic factors that control physiological systems regulating feed intake.

3.      Identify physiological processes that control feed intake at various life stages of commercially important aquaculture species.


  • Improved efficiency of feed use by commercially important aquaculture species at various phases of production.
  •  Increased knowledge and understanding of mechanisms involved in regulating feeding behavior and appetite will be developed.

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS
  • Stuttgart, AR
  • Leetown, WV
  • Hilo, HI

b.  Tissue Growth and Development

Improved growth and development are vital for the sustainability and profitability of the aquaculture industry. Optimum growth performance and efficiency have limited value if product quality is not acceptable to consumers.  The impact of tissue development and growth, and nutrition on flesh quality and composition is not completely understood.  Knowledge of genetic, environmental, and nutritional factors that control development and growth of muscle, fat, and reproductive tissue is needed to develop practical methods for improving flesh quality and composition, and reproductive performance.


1.      Understand the physiological and environmental conditions that enhance expression of growth and reproductive potential of aquaculture species.

2.      Alter characteristics of flesh quality of commercially important aquaculture species to meet consumer preference and improve nutritional value.

3.      Determine the genetic and physiological basis for development and differentiation of adipocyte precursor, skeletal muscle cells, gonadal and epithelial cells.

4.      Identify tissue specific bioregulatory mechanisms for adipose, bone, muscle, and reproductive tissue growth, and function.


1.      Investigate neural, and endocrine mechanisms affecting growth and composition at animal and tissue levels.

2.      Use in-vivo and in-vitro models to understand and control developmental processes as they affect productivity and product quality.

3.      Characterize growth- and reproductive-related endocrine functions during tissue wasting that accompany infectious diseases.


  • Increased growth rate and decreased culture period of various stages of production cycles.
  • Produced aquaculture products with improved sensory attributes and nutrient composition for consumers. 
  • Increased reproductive performance, and gonad quality of aquaculture species.

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS
  • Leetown, WV
  • Stuttgart, AR

c.  Sustainable sources of nutrients

Aquaculture feeds, especially those for carnivorous species, are heavily dependent on fish meal and fish oils to meet their critical protein and lipid requirements.  The global supply of fish meal will likely remain static or decline because captured fisheries have reached maximum sustainable yields.  There is also increasing competition among consumer segments for these products.  Thus, for the U.S. aquaculture industry to expand and remain competitive, cost-effective, sustainable sources of protein and oil must be identified or developed.


1.      Identify and develop alternative sources of ingredients of economical importance to the U.S. to replace or reduce fish meal and fish oils in aquaculture diets.

2.      Develop nutritionally efficient diets using alternative sources of ingredients.


1.      Evaluate physical, biochemical and biological characteristics of alternative protein and lipid sources as replacements for fish meal and oil in diets of aquaculture species.

2.      Determine the nutrient bioavailability of alternative feed ingredients for commercially important aquaculture species.

3.      Evaluate the efficiency of diets containing alternative ingredients in terms of pellet quality, nutrient utilization, feed consumption, growth performance, health, meat quality, production efficiency, and water quality.


  • New sustainable sources of ingredients as replacements for fish meal and oils in aquatic animal diets.
  • Consistent supply of low-cost, nutritionally efficient diets for various life stages of aquaculture species will be developed.

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL
  • Aberdeen, ID
  • Stuttgart, AR
  • Hilo, HI

d.  Nutrient Use and Feed Evaluation

Changes in dietary nutrients and energy can have a profound impact on growth and development, reproductive success, composition of growth and carcass quality, disease resistance, and waste accumulation.  Individual feed ingredients, whether traditional, novel and/or genetically-modified, greatly impact these characteristics though few ingredients have been evaluated for their potential nutrient bioavailability.  Knowledge of feeding strategies to increase nutrient utilization and assimilation and decrease waste output are important for sustainable and profitable aquaculture production.  Furthermore, the impact of diet alteration on product quality and how this relates to consumer preferences must be evaluated.


1.      Develop diets based on ingredient nutrient bioavailability to conform to the nutrient and energy requirements of commercially important aquaculture species at different life stages reared in different culture systems.

2.      Develop feeding practices and strategies to improve nutrient retention, increase feed conversion efficiency, improve product quality, and reduce wastes.

3.      Establish feed manufacturing processes to improve feed palatability, pellet quality and nutrient availability, inactivate anti-nutritional factors, and reduce environmental impacts.


1.      Determine nutrient requirements of commercially important aquaculture species at different life stages and under different production systems.

2.      Assess the digestibility/availability of nutrients and energy of traditional and novel feed ingredients.

3.      Evaluate the performance of new formulations with regard to feed consumption, growth, nutrient partitioning, health, and carcass quality.

4.      Investigate how nutrient and energy retention and excretion can be manipulated by feeding practices and strategies.

5.      Investigate how feed and ingredient processing methods and parameters affect physical, chemical, and nutritional value of aquaculture diets.

6.      Manipulate dietary nutrients and energy partitioning to optimize nutrient retention, growth and development, improve carcass quality, and minimize environmental impacts.


  • Aquaculture diets that optimize growth and development, provide desirable flesh quality, and increase production efficiency with minimal environmental impacts.
  • Feeding management strategies for various production systems that enhance or optimize production efficiency with minimal environmental impact will be developed.
  • Optimum feed and ingredient processing methods and conditions that enhance pellet physical characteristics, palatability, and nutrient bioavailability.
  • Knowledge and strategies of nutritional modulation of metabolic processes in aquaculture species will be realized.

ARS Locations

  • Hilo, HI
  • Auburn, AL
  • Aberdeen, ID
  • Stuttgart, AR
  • Leetown, WV

e.  Interaction of Gene Regulation and Nutrition

Current state of knowledge on gene regulation for growth and metabolism in aquaculture species is limited.  Nevertheless, several research institutions have devoted considerable resources and efforts to genetically manipulate stocks of aquaculture species to improve growth and development.  Genes responsible for regulating these physical traits must be better understood. Nutrient requirements must be determined and met to realize improved genetic potential. Feeding practices and strategies to deliver nutrients to optimize production while minimizing nutrient losses to the environment must be developed.  A comprehensive understanding is required of the metabolic or physiological functions that limit production potential.


1.      Improve understanding of functional genomics associated with growth and development and

2.      nutrition.

3.      Alleviate metabolic or physiological limitations restricting performance.

4.      Optimize animal nutrient efficiency to maximize conversion of nutrients to food products and

5.      balance environmental impacts with costs of production.


1.      Determine factors limiting maximal animal responses and identify metabolic or physiological functions controlling nutrient use.

2.      Examine changes in gene expression in response to alterations in feed nutrients.

3.      Identify mechanisms by which nutrient components affect or regulate genes involved accretion of fat and lean muscle mass.

4.      Explore the genetic basis for nitrogen and phosphorus metabolism and the potential to manipulate intake/output relationships in N and P metabolism.

5.      Elucidate changes in dietary levels of nutrients and feeding strategies to optimize growth, nutrient retention, health, carcass quality, and minimize environmental impacts.


  • Improved nutrient management systems that enhance performance of existing genetic potential of aquaculture species.
  • Improved genetic selection targeting specific metabolic or physiological limitations to production.

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS
  • Leetown, WV
  • Stuttgart, AR
  • Aberdeen, ID

f.  Interactions Affecting Reproduction

Reproductive processes are affected by numerous nutritional factors such as diet composition, regulatory metabolic hormones, and body contents of certain nutrients.  Changes in diet affect pituitary hormone secretions and reproductive performance.  Understanding of basic regulatory cell interactions affecting gonadal development, maturation and spawning, and gonadal and larval quality, as influenced by changes in dietary nutrient and energy profiles, and feeding strategies, is needed to develop effective maturation diets and refine feeding systems and aid in cost effective management of broodstock and seed production.


1.      Improve diets formulations and feeding management strategies to enhance reproductive performance, and improve gonadal and larval quality of commercially important aquaculture species.

2.      Improve understanding of nutritional effects on regulatory cells affecting gonadal development, maturation and ovulation.


1.      Determine requirements and quantify effects of nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and amino acids on components of reproductive efficiency, and gonadal and larval quality.

2.      Evaluate nutritional effects on neuro-endocrine pathways regulating gonadal function and behavior.

3.      Determine the impact of pre-spawning and post-spawning nutritional strategies and culture management on reproductive efficiency.


  • Nutritional management systems and culture practices that enhance or maximize reproductive efficiency will be developed. 
  • Increased knowledge of nutritional modulation of cellular functions affecting reproductive physiological pathways in commercially important aquaculture species.

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS
  • Stuttgart, AR
  • Leetown, WV

g.  Effective Probiotics

As with terrestrial monogastric animals, aquaculture species also host microbial populations in their gut that can influence the efficiency of nutrient utilization.  Regional differences in types and availability of feeds and the introduction of new, alternative feed ingredients with improved nutritional properties have increased options for formulating rations to improve production.  There is a paucity of information on the interactions of these feeds and microflora in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract of aquaculture species.  Understanding how these interactions affect digestibility, digestion kinetics, and nutrient absorption is important for optimizing feed efficiency.


1.      Develop strategies to optimize populations of specific, beneficial microbial species.

2.      Elucidate the biological and environmental factors affecting composition of microbial species of the GI tract and growth efficiency of GI tract microorganisms.

3.      Determine efficiency of microbial species to improve water quality and digestibility of various feed components under different production systems and environmental conditions.


1.      Characterize interactions among microbes and their degradation characteristics and efficiencies associated with varying production conditions.

2.      Identify gut microbial species and their ecological significance in the GI tract of aquatic animals raised in various production systems.

3.      Identify microbial species instrumental in degradation/digestion of plant feedstuffs and in facilitating nutrient passage from the gut.

4.      Characterize gut microbes of aquaculture species through successive generations and determine the effects of diets and environmental parameters on microflora.

5.      Determine the impact gut microflora on nutrient excretion and how the modification of the existing microflora affects nutrient utilization, nutrient excretion, and environmental quality.


  • Nutritional systems to enhance and maximize efficiency of nutrient use through optimization of relationships between endogenous gut microflora and diets.
  • Production systems to improve water quality, growth and product quality will be developed.

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL
  • Stuttgart, AR
  • New Orleans, LA
  • Hilo, HI

h.  Immune System Enhancement (Nutrients and Immunostimulants)

Diseases cause considerable losses to aquaculture production. Currently only a limited number of therapeutics/chemicals are approved for disease treatments.  These treatments are often ineffective, costly, and result in product and environmental contamination.  A better alternative is to improve the disease resistance by enhancing the immune response.  It is commonly known that nutrition is a key factor affecting aquatic animal health.  A deficiency or excess of most, if not all, dietary nutrients has profound effects on infection and survival, largely through effects on host immune function.  Other factors such as nutrient bioavailability and interactions, the presence of immunostimulants and/or toxins, and feeding management also influence on the immune system function and disease resistance of aquaculture species.


  • Elucidate the effects and modes of actions of dietary nutrients and immunostimulants, and identify natural compounds in feed ingredients capable of enhancing immune system function and disease resistance in aquaculture species.
  • Delivery methods and optimum concentrations of nutrients/immunostimulants to enhance innate immunity and disease resistance will be identified.
  • Feeding regimens and feeding strategies will be evaluated in relation to environmental parameters and life stages on immune response and disease resistance.


1.      Identify and evaluate the roles of dietary levels of nutrients and their interactions on immune responses and disease resistance at various life stages of aquaculture species.

2.      Evaluate role and potential sources of immunostimulants, their dosages, route of administration and duration of feeding on immune functions and disease resistance.

3.      Determine the effects of alternative sources of ingredients and identify compounds responsible in improving immunity and disease resistance.

4.      Evaluate the effects of feeding strategies in relation to environmental parameters on immune responses and diseases resistance.

5.      Conduct bacterial bioassays to screen natural and natural product-based compounds to identify promising leads for novel therapeutics and immunostimulants.


  • Diet formulations effective for improving fish health as well as optimizing production efficiency.
  • Feeding regimens effective for stimulating immune responses and disease resistance, providing optimum growth and minimizing environmental impacts.
  • Reduce production losses due to diseases and improve product quality and reduce environmental contamination.

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL
  • Stuttgart,AR
  • Oxford, MS



Aquatic animals are grown in a wide variety of environments using many different management systems to provide consumers with consistently uniform, safe, and nutritious products.  Aquatic animal producers continually are challenged to produce fish, shellfish, and crustaceans efficiently and economically.  Production technologies must be developed to culture new aquatic species and to optimally culture existing species in existing and new environments.  Performance of aquatic animal production systems can be improved through the development and application of innovative biological and engineering approaches.  Producers must be provided with the necessary information and technology to meet consumer’s needs with desired fish and shellfish products.

Vision Statement

Improved production efficiency, economic competitiveness and environmental compatibility of aquatic animal production systems. 

Mission Statement

Optimize aquatic animal production systems in terms of productivity, economic performance and environmental compatibility through application of biological and engineering approaches. 


Reduced cost of production for all aquaculture species resulting in greater profitability for US aquaculture producers, globally competitive products, and lower food costs for consumers. 


USDA-ARS National Programs:  101 Food Animal Production; 105 Animal Well-Being and Stress Control Systems; 108 Food Safety; 201 Water Quality and Management

Other Agencies and Departments: U. S. Agricultural Colleges and Agricultural Experiment Stations, Other Universities, USDA-CSREES, US Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA-APHIS, USDC-NMFS.

Private sector: Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution, Mote Marine Laboratory, Freshwater Institute, U. S. Aquaculture Associations.

Problems to be addressed

a.  Biosecurity

Intensification of aquatic animal production systems results in concentration of pathogenic microorganisms associated with losses from infectious disease outbreaks or toxin occurrence.  Inter- and intra-facility transmission of pathogenic microorganisms can occur by many routes.  Breeding programs result in locally developed and enhanced stocks of aquatic animals.  Unauthorized export of improved stocks detracts from the U.S. industry’s competitiveness, while escape of improved stocks may have a negative environmental impact.  Defining risk, development of quarantine systems, pathogen detection and monitoring, increased understanding of the relationship between pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms, and control mechanisms of improved stock are critical areas of investigation.


1.      Define engineering and biological components of bio-secure production systems.

2.      Develop systems to prevent loss of improved stocks of aquatic animals.


1.      Characterize and evaluate the relationship between disease incidence and pathogen loading.

2.      Determine the relationship between levels of stress and incidence of epizootic pathogens.

3.      Develop and evaluate quarantine systems and facilities.

4.      Develop and evaluate methods and strategies for pathogen detection and monitoring.

5.      Develop secure rearing conditions and engineer physiological safeguards to prevent loss of improved stocks.


  • Effective quarantine systems and facilities will be developed. 
  • Methods and strategies for pathogen detection and monitoring will be produced. 
  • Mechanisms to prevent loss of improved stocks of aquatic animals will be identified.

 ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL 
  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Aberdeen, ID 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Orono/Franklin, ME

b.  Production Intensity

Aquatic animal production systems range from low energy/trophic production to super-intensive systems.  Although production efficiency varies widely among systems, optimal production efficiency is required for profitability.  Optimal utilization of production inputs, including water, requires knowledge of the interactions among inputs, culture species, production environment, and economics; yet these interactions are not understood fully.


1.      To optimize production, increase economic competitiveness, and reduce environmental impact of aquatic animal production systems.

2.      To increase reliability, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness of production through the use of new and improved technologies.

3.      To develop models of fish farming systems that assist producers in decision-making.


1.      Develop new or improve existing biological and engineering designs for aquatic animal production systems using innovative, non-traditional approaches that result in optimized production, increased economic competitiveness, and reduced environmental impact.

2.      Improve aeration, continuous water quality monitoring systems, dynamic process control systems, and automation technologies to increase aquaculture production system reliability, efficiency, and cost effectiveness.

3.      Determine combinations of production inputs that optimize product quality within economic, engineering, and biological constraints to identify bottlenecks and opportunities for improved efficiencies through critical path analysis

4.      Develop culture unit designs and management strategies that address animal welfare issues.

5.      Identify water quality limits for pheromones, enzymes, fine solids, pathogens, toxins and other virulence factors, or excretory products that can accumulate within aquacultural systems and affect the health of the organisms and limit their performance.

6.      Develop new, and evaluate existing partial or complete reuse system technologies that increase production for a given water resource and maximize waste capture.


  • Economically viable, globally competitive, and environmentally responsible aquaculture production systems will be developed. 
  • Increased application of technology to aquatic animal production. 
  • New tools to analyze aquatic animal production systems.

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL 
  • Pine Bluff, AR 
  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Aberdeen, ID 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Hilo, HI

c.  Integrated Production Systems

Aquacultural production systems can incorporate synergistic, multi-enterprise production systems to recover valuable inputs (e.g., nutrients) that would otherwise accumulate within the production system or be discharged into the environment.  Integration of components of fish culture, shellfish culture, hydroponics, or micro/macro algae culture can enhance input utilization efficiency and farm profit potential.  However, matching the requirements of the different component species is difficult, and interactions among components are not understood fully.


1.      To develop new and improve existing integrated production systems for aquaculture.


1.      Partition the nutrient contribution by components of the system on the target species.

2.      Elucidate behavioral and logistical interactions and interferences on target species.                       

3.      Determine combinations of components and target species on system integration that maximize nutrient utilization, system performance, and profit.


  • Polyculture systems that maximize nutrient utilization.

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Pine Bluff, AR 
  • Hilo, HI

d.  Predator and Fowl Control

Predators (notably mammals, turtles, and snakes) and fowl (fish-eating birds, such as cormorants, pelicans, egrets, herons, anhingas, storks, and diving ducks) can cause significant direct and indirect losses to the aquaculture industry.  The economic impact of predators and fowl on aquaculture facilities in terms of revenue loss and expenditures on control efforts sums to tens of millions of dollars annually.  Damage by predators and fowl is caused not only by the consumption and wounding of aquaticspecies, but also when the aquatic animals are forced to seek shelter and stop feeding, they become more susceptible to disease because of stress, crowding, or decreased environmental quality.  Also, birds carry and transmit disease agents to aquatic animals and humans.  An increased understanding of predator and fowl behavior will foster development of improved control strategies at aquaculture facilities.


1.      Develop new, improve existing, or adapt alternative techniques to minimize depredation at aquaculture facilities.

2.      Assess regional populations of fish-eating birds and evaluate other potential predators and fowl.


1.      Assess fish-eating bird population trends and flock behavior by aerial survey.

2.      Apply innovative engineering design approaches to develop new or modify existing methods and technologies to control depredation.


  • Reduced depredation by predators and fowl at aquaculture facilities. 
  • Surveys of regional fish-eating bird populations will be completed.

ARS Locations

  • Stuttgart, AR

e.  Live Aquatic Animal Handling, Transport, and Inventory

Handling and transport of live aquatic animals between the hatchery and the farm, within production units on the farm, or between the farm and the processing plant or live market is in efficient, and survival, condition, and performance of the aquatic animals following transport is variable.  Inventory management of aquaculture stocks is essential for optimal production management.  Current methods and technology for handling and transporting live aquatic animals are labor intensive, constrained by deterioration of water quality, or utilize intrusive handling methods.  Suitable methods do not exist currently for monitoring the population number or average size of most aquacultured species.  Moreover, biological and engineering technologies are needed to decrease size variation of animals within culture units to increase efficiency and provide consistent quality products to enhance U.S. competitiveness and profitability.  Increased understanding of aquatic animal behavior and physiological responses, and application of innovative engineering design approaches are needed to optimize handling, transport and inventory management of live aquatic animals.


1.      Develop new and improve existing methods or technologies of handling and transporting live aquatic animals.

2.      Develop methods or technologies to track population number and average size of cultured aquatic animals within the culture unit.

3.      Develop methods or technologies to reduce size variation of cultured species within culture units.


1.      Identify behavioral and physiological responses of aquatic animals to handling and transport.

2.      Determine relationships between water quality, transport duration and biomass for transporting live aquatic animals.

3.      Apply innovative engineering design approaches to design new or modify existing live aquatic animal handling and transport equipment.

4.      Apply innovative engineering design approaches to design new or modify existing equipment to inventory live aquatic animals.

5.      Develop innovative engineering solutions and technologies to reduce size variation within culture units.


  • Live aquatic animal handling and transport equipment and procedures that are efficient and minimize stress. 
  • Enhanced technologies to measure aquatic animal size and numbers in the culture unit. 
  • Technologies to provide more consistent quality products to improve competitiveness and profitability of US aquaculture products will be developed.

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Pine Bluff, AR 
  • Leetown, WV 
  • Auburn, AL

 f.  Culture of Marine Species in Low-Salinity Water

A number marine species are able to adapt and thrive in low-salinity water normally encountered in estuarine environments.  Availability of low-salinity water from inland aquifers expands the range of environments where marine species can be cultured, providing opportunities to diversify farm production strategies and to develop new markets.  However, because the ionic composition of low-salinity ground water may differ substantially from dilute seawater, survival and growth of marine species may be sub-optimal.  Understanding physiological and biological responses to low-salinity water and developing strategies to enhance ionic composition of ground water may lead to increased culture of marine species in low-salinity water.  Moreover, little is known about the waste production, and its handling, and elimination from production units used for rearing marine species in low-salinity environments.


1.      Increased culture of marine species in low-salinity water at inland sites.

2.      Systems of production for disease-free stock.


1.      Determine physiological and biological responses of marine species to low-salinity water.

2.      Assess strategies to enhance ionic composition of low-salinity ground water.


  • Increased production of marine species at inland locations in the United States.

ARS Locations

  • Hilo, HI 
  • Pine Bluff, AR 
  • Stuttgart. AR 
  • Orono, MEC
  • Leetown, WV



The domestic aquaculture industry will face strong competition from imports of foreign aquaculture products as well as competition from the other protein food commodities.  Enhancing the economic production of aquaculture in the United States by using responsible aquaculture systems is a continual challenge.  Inputs used for aquaculture food production must be economical for the producer, non-impacting on the environment and such that would not warrant consumers to discriminate in the market place.

The development of sustainable systems for aquaculture must include considerations for producer profit; effects on environmental quality including soil, water, and air; and compatible with worker safety and requirements for food safety and quality.  These considerations will govern the ongoing development of new technology to provide and promote economically viable and environmentally sustainable aquaculture systems.  A number of approaches are collected under this component even though they appear in other components of this Action Plan.  Most notably these issues involve feed, water and water recycling, effluent management, biosecurity and animal health management.


Improved aquatic animal and integrated production systems that are both economically and environmentally sustainable and acceptable to consumers in the global market place.


Develop and transfer sound, scientifically-based knowledge that will result in the economical production of aquaculture products that are safe for food and have minimal impact on the environment. 


Economic advantage and improved marketplace competitiveness for domestic producers through new technology and practices that maximize environmental and production efficiencies, minimize wastes, energy input and regulatory costs, optimize product quality and safety, and provide clear value to consumers.


Other ARS National Programs: Food Animal Production (101); Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products (306); Soil Resource Management (202); Water Quality and Management (201); Integrated Agriculture Systems (207).

Other Agencies and Departments: U. S. Colleges of Agriculture and State Agricultural Experiment Stations; National Marine Fisheries, Environmental Protection Agency, Freshwater Institute, Oceanic Institute.

Private Sector: Catfish Farmers of America; U.S. Trout Farmers Association; Striped Bass Growers Association; U.S. Marine Shrimp Farmers; American Society of Agricultural Engineers; American Fisheries Society; Aquaculture Engineering Society; America Tilapia Association

Problems to be addressed

a.  Aquaculture Feeds

The negative impact of poorly managed aquaculture systems on the environment, and particularly on water quality, is becoming an important issue and constraint to the sustainability and expansion of the aquaculture industry.  The main input and greatest cost in most aquaculture production systems is feed, which is not only a source of nutrients for fish growth, but also the major source of pollutants.  To reduce costs and harmful pollutants, diets need to be formulated from lower cost highly digestible alternatives.  Uneaten and undigested feeds are also main factors affecting environmental pollution.  Development of new diets with good quality alternative ingredients and alternative feeding strategies may reduce feed costs and minimize the accumulation of organic substances and metabolic wastes that may lead to toxicity, health risks, and growth suppression in fish.


1.      Develop alternative feed ingredients from plant protein sources and reduce the amount of minerals and other compounds released into the environment after consumption.

2.      Develop feed formulation and manufacturing, and feeding practices for optimal nutrition, increased production, and improved water quality.

3.      Improve understanding of the nutrient retention and energy requirements of cultivated aquatic species to reduce undigested or uneaten feeds.


1.      Characterize fish processing byproducts, develop innovative methods for handling of the fish byproducts and develop new and improved feed ingredients from byproducts.

2.      Evaluate nutritional and chemical characteristics of alternative feed material for use in aquaculture systems.

3.      Establish relationships between feeding practices and strategy with culture water and effluent quality.

4.      Improve the diet nutrient bioavailability by use of highly digestible feed ingredients, feed additives (such as enzymes) to enhance digestibility, and reduce excess feed nutrients, which are potential sources of pollutants.


  • Reduction in the nutrient and mineral content of fish manure released into the environment. 
  • Development of least-cost, environmental friendly diets, and optimum feeding practices for various fish species cultured under different production systems. 
  • Improve culture water and effluent quality of fish production systems.


  • Decreased demand of fish meal for aquatic animal feeds.
  • Minimal environmental impact associated with feed ingredients.

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL 
  • Fairbanks, AK 
  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Hilo, HI 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Aberdeen, ID

b.  Water Use and Reuse

Concerns over the environmental impact of aquaculture have grown and with these concerns have also come increased regulations on aquaculture discharges.  Traditionally, aquaculture often relies upon relatively large volumes of water, which produces high-volume, low-strength wastewater that can be difficult to treat economically.  Re-circulating aquaculture systems (RAS) however, require relatively little make-up water and concentrate their wastes into relatively small discharges.  Discharge from an RAS is more amenable to treatment allowing between 95 and 99 percent of the particulate wastes to be captured.  For larger commercial scale systems that recirculate freshwater and saltwater, research and development is required to improve the reliability and reduce the costs of fish production under increasingly intensive conditions. Research is also necessary to develop best waste management practices and technologies for effective removal of solids and improving effluent quality to meet discharge limits and guidelines.


1.      Improve system designs and treatment technologies to improve the effluent quality of aquaculture systems.

2.      Improve understanding of factors and processes contributing to efficient water utilization and quality conservation in aquaculture systems.


1.      Develop cost effective technologies for greater reclamation and reuse of wastewaters after the elimination of waste colloidal and particulate matter.

2.      Conduct research at a commercial scale to develop and assess technologies required to treat and recirculate large water flows (10-40 m3/min) that are reliable, efficient at waste removal, and cost effective.


  • Generate wastewater management strategies and technology that producers can select as the most appropriate for their existing aquaculture operation.


  • Appropriate technology and strategies for industry-wide aquaculture operations that meet or exceed State and proposed EPA effluent standards for aquaculture

ARS Locations

  • Leetown, WV 
  • Orono, ME 
  • Hilo, HI 
  • Freshwater Institute 
  • Harbor Branch Oceanic Institute

c.  Effluent Management Control

Concerns over the environmental impact of aquaculture have grown and have led to increased regulations on aquaculture discharges.  Flowing water aquaculture systems often have two separate discharges: (1) the system primary flow which is high-volume, low-strength wastewaters; and (2) the system solids flow which is low-volume, high-strength wastewaters, i.e., backflush from filters, purge materials from swirl separators.  The concentration of waste in the primary flow discharge is relatively low, however, the cumulative waste load discharged to the receiving watersheds can be significant when water flow are large and continuous.  Aquaculture effluents typically are treated before discharge and the captured solids waste have potential for beneficial reuse.


1.      Provide appropriate waste management technologies and practices that are integrated with aquaculture system complexity and environmental regulation criteria.

2.      Produce more reliable and accurate monitoring methods for aquaculture effluents.

3.      Identify and develop opportunities for the reduction and reutilization of aquaculture waste products.


1.      Investigate and evaluate appropriate overall integrated strategies for effective wastewater treatment in a production oriented aquaculture system.

2.      Investigate methods to utilize or integrate aquaculture wastes to enhance farm revenue and diversity.


  • Development of criteria that will facilitate the selection of appropriate, integrated wastewater management strategies through decisions regarding system design and operational criteria. 
  • Decrease aquaculture’s reliance on water resources and improve the utilization of captured wastes from aquaculture systems.


  • An integrated approach to wastewater management weighing the desired level of removal against capital costs and system complexity that meets or exceeds regulatory effluent criteria.
  • Reduction of aquaculture waste to the surrounding environment and the development of aquaculture waste byproducts.

ARS Locations

  • Leetown, WV 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Orono, ME 
  • Pine Bluff, AR 
  • Hilo, HI 

d.  Social Sustainability

Modern day aquaculture enterprises must exist within and depend upon a dynamic ecosystem with finite resources.  In order to remain competitive in a global marketplace these enterprises need new knowledge, techniques, and equipment that will improve productivity and protect the environment, protect worker health and safety, and sustain the quality of “common use” natural resources.


1.      Improvement of aquaculture facilities to minimize conflict of common-use water resources.

2.      Identify and develop opportunities for the improvement of aquaculture worker health and safety.


1.      Identify industry practices that need serious modification to lessen aquaculture’s contribution to stressors that cause social unsustainability.

2.      Promote and implement practices that enhance worker health and safety and minimize resource conflicts and maximize resource conservation.


  • Technology and practices useful in traditional aquaculture production and activities that improve production efficiency and product quality while reducing worker exposure to risk of injury and illness, and foster conservation of resources.


  • Industry is implementing technology with long-term economic and worker safety resilience, without a negative context or threat to the natural resources of the community. 

ARS Locations

  • Leetown, WV 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Fairbanks, AK 
  • Orono/Franklin, ME 
  • Pine Bluff, AR       

e.  Environmental Sustainability

As the U.S. aquaculture industry expands, it must be sustainable and environmentally compatible.  Inevitably the aquaculture industry will be examined in the context of environmental sustainability. Knowledge about aquaculture production systems is needed to minimize the potential for habitat degradation, disease transmission, genetic dilution of wild stocks through interbreeding with cultured strains, introduction of non-indigenous species into natural waters, and discharges of wastes, toxins, and excess nutrients. 


1.      To promote and encourage technological and management solutions for the environmentally sustainable development of the growing aquaculture industry.

2.      Improve our understanding of interactions between aquaculture production systems and the surrounding environment.


1.      Develop best management practices that limit exotic species infestations, minimize disease outbreaks and reduce pollution.

2.      Develop a consistent, routine monitoring program for disease control, species containment and escapement and effluent release.

3.      Evaluate the different components found in aquaculture waste and research their individual and combined effects on the ecology of receiving environments.

4.      Develop chemical and biocontrol methods to maintain and manage aquatic animal habitat.


  • Technology be applied by the domestic aquaculture industry that is sustainable, profitable, and environmentally safe, and maintain high water quality standards.
  • Knowledge to assist farmers with solving problems regarding environmentally sustainable practices will be developed. 
  • Knowledge of the interactions between aquaculture waste and the receiving environment, and how to minimize negative effects will be generated. 


  • Improvements in aquaculture practices which limit habitat degradation, disease transmission, genetic dilution of wild stocks through interbreeding with cultured strains, introduction of non-indigenous species into natural waters, and discharges of wastes, toxins, and excess nutrients.

ARS Locations

  • Leetown, WV 
  • Stuttgart, AR 
  • Fairbanks, AK 
  • Orono, ME 
  • Pine Bluff, AR 
  • Newport, OR



Aquaculture products provide consumers with consistent high quality, nutritious foods.  Maintaining superior product quality and developing novel aquaculture products are imperative to increasing consumer demand, developing new markets for aquaculture products, and meeting consumer expectations for safety, variety and nutritional value.  Proactive safety/quality assurance programs, improved management of off-flavor in aquaculture production systems, development of new product forms, and new and improved technologies for processing, packaging, and preserving aquaculture products must continue to meet producer, processor, and consumer needs.  Improvements of processes for traditional uses of byproducts are needed, as are discoveries for new high-value uses of byproducts.

Vision Statement

Provide consumers with a variety of high quality, safe, nutritious and innovative aquaculture products. 

Mission Statement

Ensure and optimize the safety, freshness, flavor, texture, taste, nutritional characteristics, and shelf life of cultured fish and shellfish products, and to develop new value-added products and processes through research, development and technology transfer.


Increased consumer satisfaction and demand for aquaculture products.


USDA-ARS National Programs: 101 Food Animal Production; 108 Food Safety and 306 Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products

Other Agencies and Departments: Auburn University, Mississippi State University, University of Alaska, University of Idaho, University of Mississippi, National Marine Fisheries Service, The Oceanic Institute, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Private sector: Catfish Farmers of America, The Catfish Institute, other processing groups

Problems to be addressed

a.  Tissue Quality

Research is needed to identify strategies and develop technologies to ensure delivery of consistent, high quality, and innovative aquaculture products.


Identify techniques and technologies for post-harvest handling and processing of aquaculture products to enhance product value, quality, functionality, and sensory characteristics.


1.      To develop processing strategies that focus on tissue quality for maintaining high quality, safe products and for the innovation of new products.

2.      To identify quality, functional, and sensory characteristics of selected tissues from aquaculture species that affect consumer perception and demand.

3.      To apply this technology to increase consumer demand for new and existing products. 


  • The development of processing technologies/strategies that increase consumer demand for aquaculture products derived from sustainable, profitable production systems.

ARS Locations

  • Pine Bluff, AR 
  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Fairbanks, AK 

b.  Interaction of Genetics and Nutrition

Research on the interaction between genetics and nutrition in aquaculture is essential to improve the development and production of high quality aquaculture products.  The development and use of improved germplasm and diets have played important roles in the profitable production of high quality products in many livestock species and the same principles apply to aquaculture species. 


Identify key needs for germplasm improvement, diet development, and potential interactions between genetic improvement and nutrition that will allow development and production of high quality aquaculture products from profitable production systems. 


1.      Consult with aquaculture producers, processors, consumer groups, and leading researchers in areas of genetics and nutrition to determine important product quality issues that could be influenced by diets and/or genetic improvement programs. 

2.      Conduct research that examines interactions of diet and genetically improved germplasm that enhances production of high quality aquaculture products from profitable production systems. 


  • Identification of critical research areas in genetics and nutrition of aquaculture species that lead to the improvement in production of high quality aquaculture products from profitable production systems. 

ARS Locations

  • Stoneville, MS 
  • Stuttgart, AR 

c.  Predicting Product Quality or Defects

Mislabeled imports and large variations in production practices lead to considerable variation in quality of aquaculture products.  Lack of consistent product quality can lead to consumer dissatisfaction and subsequent loss of future purchases of aquaculture products.  Producers and processors need methods to identify defects and ensure product quality stocks. 


1.      Methods that distinguish between domestic and foreign aquaculture products.

2.      Pre-harvest and post-harvest techniques and systems to ensure product quality. 


1.      Use genomics (e.g., molecular markers) to identify and verify strains/species of cultured aquatic organisms.

2.      Develop rapid diagnostic assays to verify the identity of cultured aquatic organisms.

3.      Develop pre- and post-harvest technologies/strategies that ensure consistent, high quality aquaculture products. 


  • Consumers will be provided with more information and confidence about the quality of aquaculture products.  
  • Enforcement of labeling regulations will be easier. 

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL 
  • Stoneville, MS 

d.  Off-flavor Delayed Harvesting

Off-flavors cause delays in the harvest of aquaculture products and result in severe economic losses to producers.  In addition, off-flavors can adversely affect consumer demand and aquaculture industry development due to inconsistent product quality.  Producers need better management practices and methods to prevent and control environmentally derived off-flavors.  


Management practices that result in consistent, high quality and excellent tasting aquaculture products will be realized. 


1.      Discovery and development of natural, selective algicides to manage the most common environmentally-derived, off-flavor compounds.

2.      Discovery and development of organisms for the remediation of off-flavors.

3.      Discovery, development, and application of methods to predict off-flavor episodes. 


  • Improved, off-flavor management practices that reduce producer costs. 

ARS Locations

  • New Orleans, LA        
  • Oxford, MS 
  • Pine Bluff, AR 
  • Stoneville, MS 

e.  Off-flavor Methodology

Producers lack methods to easily detect the occurrence of environmentally-derived off-flavors.  Factors promoting the occurrence of such off-flavor episodes are not completely understood.  The biochemical pathways involved in the production of the most common environmentally-derived off-flavors are unknown, and the regulation and control of these pathways have not been determined.  


1.      Methods to easily detect common off-flavor compounds.

2.      Methods to control biological processes that will help maintain consistently high quality products. 


1.      Develop biological and/or chemical methods that producers can use to easily detect common environmentally-derived off-flavor compounds.

2.      Determine the biological pathways and regulatory steps of common off-flavor compounds.

3.      Develop methods for controlling the biological pathways of common off-flavor compounds. 


  • Consistent and excellent tasting aquaculture products will be provided to consumers. 

ARS Locations

  • Auburn, AL 
  • New Orleans, LA 
  • Stoneville, MS 

f.  New Uses for Byproducts

Most byproducts produced from the processing of aquatic animals are either not utilized or are underutilized.  Processors often incur additional expenses due to the disposal of these unused by products.  The identification of high-value uses and development of methods for the utilization of by-products will help reduce the economic burden on processors and create sustainable agricultural systems.  Aquatic animal processing byproducts are being used to make food products for humans, as animal feed ingredients, industrial products, fertilizers, and composts.  New high-value uses need to be discovered to improve the utilization of processing byproducts and knowledge about the properties of their biochemical constituents will benefit fish processors and consumers and reduce environmental impact. 


Discover high-value uses for fish processing byproducts for commercialization. 


1.      Characterize aquatic animal processing wastes to develop methods for utilizing these materials.

2.      Develop innovative methods for the collection and storage of by-products

3.      Develop and improve processing technologies to create new value-added products from waste by-products.

4.     Chemically and nutritionally characterize new value-added products and devise implementation strategies.


  • New high-value products. 
  • Enhanced use of fishery processing byproducts that results in additional sources of revenue for processors and reduced byproducts wasted. 

ARS Locations

  • Fairbanks, AK
  • Wyndmoor, PA 

g.  Processing

The economics of aquatic animal processing are greatly influenced by product yield and further processing to create value-added products.  Improved methods for removing more flesh from the animal frame would increase the recovery yield for processors and provide edible tissue for existing and new high-value product forms.  The development of new and improved products that utilize trimmings, tissue minces, mechanically de-boned tissue, broken and miss-cut tissue, and other edible tissue would help processors.  


More efficient processing methods to enhance recovery of the edible portion of the aquatic animal and development of new product forms that use these smaller, edible portions in novel value-added products. 


1.      Improve current technologies and develop new mechanical means to more efficiently fillet or recover edible components from the aquatic animal.

2.      Use consumer preferences and demands in the development of new product forms and value added products that utilize the recovered edible portions of the aquatic animals.


  • Increased processing efficiency and recovery. 
  • Increased variety of aquaculture products to consumers. 

ARS Locations

  • Fairbanks, AK 
  • Pine Bluff, AR 
  • Stoneville, MS

Last Modified: 09/22/2008