- The Official Business Link to the U.S. Government

Doing Business In ... Montpelier, Vermont

Quick Stats

Montpelier photo

City Population: 8,100
Job Growth: 2.9%
Median Home Price: $237,757

Located in central Vermont, Montpelier was built to produce a practical and prosperous business community. The Green Mountain state's capital city, noted as the smallest in the country, is readily accessible by several major highways, Amtrak train services, and a private airport. Most of the city's downtown businesses are locally owned and operated, yet as a center of government, Montpelier attracts a highly skilled workforce. Montpelier plays host to New England's Culinary Institute, the Green Mountain Film Festival, and is close to Vermont's most well-known "small business", Ben and Jerry's.

Business Start-Up Assistance

There are a number of free and low-cost services that can help you get your business off the ground:

Financing Your Business

The following organizations provide help getting loans and other types of financial assistance for businesses in Montpelier.

For general information on small business loans and financial assistance visit the Financing Your Business page.

Obtaining Licenses and Permits

To legally operate a business in the city of Montpelier, you'll need to obtain all necessary business licenses, operating permits and registrations.

Visit the Vermont General Licensing page to learn about obtaining necessary federal and state licenses, permits and registrations.

Tax Credits for Small Businesses

Small business owners in Montpelier can take advantage of several different tax credits available in the state of Vermont.

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