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Doing Business In ... San Diego, California

Quick Stats

San Diego photo

City Population: 1,287,300
Job Growth: 7.58%
Median Home Price: $579,654

With an average daily temperature of 70.5 degrees Fahrenheit and a City government that supports numerous economic development programs, San Diego enjoys a climate favorable to starting or relocating a business. San Diego is the second largest city in California and the eighth largest in the United States. The economy is heavily influenced by San Diego Bay, which provides a natural harbor for ships. The Port of San Diego is the only major submarine and shipbuilding yard on the West Coast, and houses the largest naval fleet in the world. The large military influence in the area has created considerable opportunities for defense contractors while the proximity to Mexico creates ample opportunities for importing and exporting.

Business Start-Up Assistance

Spending some time researching your idea, writing a business plan, and scouting a location will significantly increase your chances for success. There are a number of free and low-cost services that can help you get your business off the ground:

Review the city government's page on the 10 Key Steps to Starting a Business in San Diego to help business entrepreneurs develop their ideas into a successful economic venture.

Financing Your Business

The following organizations provide help getting loans and other types of financial assistance for businesses in San Diego.

For general information on small business loans and financial assistance visit the Financing Your Business page.

Obtaining Licenses and Permits

To legally operate a business in the city of San Diego, you'll need to obtain all necessary business licenses, operating permits and registrations.

In addition to city permits, you will also need to register your business with the federal government and State of California. Visit the California General Licensing page to learn about obtaining necessary federal and state licenses, permits and registrations.

Tax Credits for Small Businesses

Small business owners in San Diego can take advantage of several different tax credits available in the state of California.

Additional Resources

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