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Doing Business In ... Phoenix, Arizona

Quick Stats

Phoenix Skyline photo

City Population:1,512,986
Metro Area Population: 4,039,182
Job Growth: 4.8%
Median Home Price: $268,228

Phoenix is the state capital, 5th largest city in the country. The city is consistently ranked among the best places to start and grow a business by popular business publications. With its steady population growth and available assistance for entrepreneurs, Phoenix is a great location for starting or relocating a small business.

The city offers a growing and skilled workforce, a competitive business environment, easy access to major markets and more. The city's light rail system, which opens in the fall of 2008, will offer a fast and convenient transportation link from the airport to downtown Phoenix, with stops at the convention center and several downtown businesses.

Business Start-Up Assistance

Spending some time researching your idea, writing a business plan, and scouting a location will significantly increase your chances for success. There are a number of free and low-cost services that can help you get your business off the ground:

Visit's Resources for Businesses to find comprehensive information about starting and growing a business in Phoenix.

Financing Your Business

The following organizations provide help getting loans and other types of financial assistance for businesses in Phoenix.

For general information on small business loans and financial assistance visit the Financing Your Business page.

Obtaining Licenses and Permits

To legally operate a business in the city of Phoenix, you'll need to obtain all necessary business licenses, operating permits and registrations.

In addition to city permits, you will also need to register your business with the federal government and State of Arizona. Visit the Arizona General Licensing page to learn about obtaining necessary federal and state licenses, permits and registrations.

Tax Credits for Small Businesses

Small business owners in Phoenix can take advantage of a few of tax credits.

Additional Resources

The following resources from the Arizona Department of Commerce are essential for anyone starting and running a business in Arizona.

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