- The Official Business Link to the U.S. Government

Earth Day 2008 - Take Action!

In celebration of Earth Day 2008, is helping small business owners save money while protecting the environment.

From changing a light blub and using recyclable products to installing energy efficient equipment and systems, every business can make simple changes that save energy costs and natural resources.

The team has put together the following resources to help you Green Up Your Business!

Become Energy Efficient

The Small Business Guide to Energy Efficiency includes tips, advice, and resources to help you save on energy costs: from energy saving tips to information on grants, loans and incentives available for making energy efficient upgrades to your facilities.

Adopt Green Business Practices

Becoming a green business means making changes across your organization.

The Green Business Guide provides a wealth of resources that offer everything from creating an environmental management plan to learning from successful green businesses:

In addition, the following Small Business Guides include special highlights to help you green your business:

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