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People of Color

"I joined the Peace Corps to experience living someplace else-a different culture. And the cultural exchange has been two-way. Before I came to work with this community, they had a preconceived notion of what Americans should be like and how they look: that Americans are all blond and blue-eyed, that any Asian would be from China. I have taught them that while I was born in Korea, I am very much an American."

Jae Junkin (Panama 2000-2002)

The Peace Corps welcomes applicants from all ethnic and cultural backgrounds. This section contains information and resources for prospective Volunteers of color.

Thinking about becoming a Peace Corps Volunteer, but have doubts about how it will affect your career? Having a hard time making the case for joining the Peace Corps to your parents or other family members? Or do you just wish you could hear the real story from former Volunteers of color? We hope the information here will give you insight into what the Peace Corps experience might mean for you.

Why Diversity Matters
The Peace Corps actively recruits people with a variety of backgrounds and experiences.
Facts and Figures
The facts about people of color in the Peace Corps.
Family and Friends
Are your loved ones concerned about your desire to join the Peace Corps? This section will help.
Volunteer Profiles
Reflections and stories from Volunteers of color.

Last updated Sep 24 2008

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