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Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management Fiscal 2003-2008 Activities


Administrative Publication No. (AP-034) 59 pp, February 2009

Under the Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management (PREISM), ERS conducts intramural research and funds extramural research to support the economic basis of decisionmaking concerning invasive species issues, policies, and programs. The report, Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management: Fiscal 2003-2008 Activities, details the objectives and activities of PREISM and reports important accomplishments for fiscal years 2003-2008. Included are descriptions of the extramural research program and all funded projects, and a list of project outputs.

Keywords: agricultural economics, invasive species, alien species, invasive species, phytosanitary standards, PREISM, Program of Research on the Economics of Invasive Species Management, plant protection, animal health, ERS, USDA

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Updated date: February 26, 2009

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