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Target Capabilities List (TCL)

Date Published:   13 Sep 2007

Publisher:   Department of Homeland Security (DHS)

Abstract:  The President and Congress directed creation of a fully integrated, adaptable, all-hazards national preparedness system. The National Preparedness Guidelines (The Guidelines) and Target Capabilities List (TCL) establish the system's all-hazards framework. The Guidelines provide the vision and establishes national priorities. The TCL is a national-level, generic model of operationally ready capabilities defining all-hazards preparedness. Users should refer to the TCL to assess capabilities, identify needs, and inform plans and strategies taking into account their risk. It is important to understand that the TCL serves as a reference document and planning guide to preparedness and in no way serves as a prescription for program or resource requirements.

Related Documents:

 National Planning Scenarios (Final Version 21.3)
 National Preparedness Guidelines
 Universal Task List: Version 2.1

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