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Publications and Resources


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Publications from North Central Region SARE

NCR- SARE funds research, education and demonstration projects, some of which generate informational products such as books, bulletins or websites. Visit the SARE web site to view those products or to browse the SARE projects database. Inclusion of a resource does not constitute endorsement by SARE nor does exclusion imply that other resources are not suitable. This partial list will be continually updated.

Resources from North Central Region SARE

  • Display for use at meetings, conferences, field days, etc.
  • Lists of funded projects sorted by grant program and agricultural category. E-mail to request print copies.

  • Español.- We are pleased to announce an NCR-SARE web page with information en Español.

Resources from the SARE Outreach

SARE Outreach produces books, bulletins and online resources highlighting SARE project results and other innovative research. Click the links below to view our products online or order using our WebStore, phone, fax, or mail.

Resources from other SARE regions and elsewhere


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