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Terms and Conditions

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Civil Rights / Equal Opportunity Requirements


As with all federal grant programs, you must ensure that your programs or activities, including those of any sub-grantees, will be conducted, and facilities operated, in compliance with the applicable civil rights statutes and their implementing regulations. You must obtain assurances of such compliance prior to extending federal financial assistance to sub-grantees. For civil rights purposes, all programs and projects funded or receiving service members under the National and Community Service Act, as amended, are programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance

Please review and refer to the following Civil Rights/Equal Opportunity policies and guidelines:

Grant Program Civil Rights Policy

The Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) is committed to treating all persons with dignity and respect, without regard to non-merit factors such as race, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, political affiliation, marital or parental status, or military service; and free of sexual, racial, national origin, religious or other harassment. Whether in CNCS offices or campuses, in other service-related settings such as training sessions or service sites, or at service-related social events, such harassment is unacceptable and will not be tolerated.

Slurs and other verbal or physical conduct relating to an individual’s gender, race, ethnicity, religion or any other basis constitute harassment when it has the purpose or effect to interfere with service performance or create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive service environment. Harassment includes, but is not limited to: explicit or implicit demands for sexual favors; pressure for dates; deliberate touching, leaning over, or cornering; offensive teasing, jokes, remarks, or questions; letters, phone calls, or distribution or display of offensive materials; offensive looks or gestures; gender, racial, ethnic, or religious baiting; physical assaults or other threatening behavior; or demeaning, debasing or abusive comments or actions that intimidate.

Harassment may be by persons of the same or different races, sexes, religions, or ethnic origins. It may be carried out by a CNCS employee or supervisor; a project, or site employee or supervisor; a non-employee (e.g., client); a co-worker or service member.

I expect supervisors and managers of CNCS programs and projects, when made aware of alleged harassment by employees, service participants, or other individuals, to immediately take appropriate action to prevent or end it. CNCS will not tolerate retaliation against a person who raises harassment concerns in good faith. Any CNCS employee who violates this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination, and any grantee that permits harassment in violation of this policy will be subject to a finding of noncompliance and administrative procedures that may result in termination of federal financial assistance from CNCS and all other federal agencies.

Any person who believes that he or she has been discriminated against in violation of civil rights laws, regulations, or this policy, or in retaliation for opposition to discrimination or participation in discrimination complaint proceedings (e.g., as a complainant or witness) in any CNCS program or project, may raise his or her concerns with our Office of Civil Rights and Inclusiveness (OCRI). Discrimination claims not brought to the attention of OCRI within 45 days of their occurrence may not be accepted in a formal complaint of discrimination. No one can be required to use a program, project or sponsor dispute resolution procedure before contacting OCRI, and if another procedure is used, it does not affect the 45-day time limit. OCRI may be reached at (202) 606-7503 (voice), (202) 565-2799 (TDD),, or through

May 25, 2005
signature on file
David Eisner, Chief Executive Officer

Non-Harassment Guidelines
Guidelines for Corporation Grantees (29K PDF)

Acceptable Interview Questions
Civil rights guidelines for Corporation grantees on acceptable interview questions (17K PDF)

Disability Law
Quick primer on Disability Law for Corporation Grantees (17K PDF)

Accessibility Guidelines
Accessibility guidelines for Corporation grantees (18K PDF)

Non-Discrimination Guidelines
Non-discrimination guidelines for Corporation grantees (18K PDF)

Legal Responsibilities Presentation
As National Service Program, What Are My Legal Responsibilities Regarding Persons with Disabilities? This Microsoft Power Point presentation is available via e-mail request or download. (35K PDF)

Part 1203 – Non–discrimination in Federally Assisted Programs
Effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (104K PDF)

Part 1232 – Non–discrimination on Basis of Handicap in Programs Receiving Federal Financial Assistance (104K PDF)

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