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Fruit Flies


Fruit flies in the family Tephritidae are among the most destructive, feared and well-publicized pests of fruits and vegetables around the world. The genera Anastrepha, Bactrocera, and Ceratitis pose the greatest risk to U.S. agriculture and are the focus of this strategic plan. Tephritid fruit flies spend their larval stages feeding and growing in over 400 host plants. Introduction of these pest species into the United States causes economic losses from destruction and spoiling of host commodities by larvae, costs associated with implementing control measures, and loss of market share due to restrictions on shipment of host commodities. The extensive damage and wide host range of tephritid fruit flies become obstacles to agricultural diversification and trade when pest fruit fly species become established in these areas.


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News and Information

Mediterranean Fruit Fly

Quarantine Areas


Mexican Fruit Fly

Quarantine Areas

  • California
  • Texas
    • Cameron County (Entire County)
    • Hidalgo County (Entire County)


Oriental Fruit Fly

Quarantined Areas



The following PPQ Action Plans or New Pest Response Guidelines have not been updated since its publication date. The actions or guidelines recommended may not be appropriate now, new survey tools may be available, and chemical pesticides named may no longer be registered. This document is posted until updated versions can be drafted and as such are only guidelines that represent the state of knowledge at the time they were written. Please consult PPQ and/or your State Plant Regulatory Official prior to implementing any recommendations listed herein.


Wayne Burnett
Domestic Coordinator
Telephone: 301-734-6553

Last Modified: February 19, 2009