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Interactive Features

Peace Corps Volunteers are engaged in life-changing service each day, and words only begin to tell their stories. The following interactive features will immerse you in the Volunteers' work through photos, video, quizzes, and more. The features are in Macromedia Flash and require the free Flash Player.

Tsunami Recovery
View a slideshow of Crisis Corps Volunteers who responded to last December's tsunami in Southeast Asia.
Learn about the Peace Corps' response to the pandemic and take an HIV/AIDS quiz to see how much you know.
Kenyan Sign Language
Sample interactive tools created by Peace Corps Volunteers to teach sign language to Kenyan youth.
People of Peace Corps
Listen to Volunteers as they share their Peace Corps experiences.

Last updated Oct 07 2008

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Do you wonder what it is like to serve? Returned Volunteers say playing Peace Corps Challenge is like being overseas again.

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