Connecting afterschool providers to Federal resources that support children and youth during out-of-school hours.

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Interagency Executive Oversight Committee

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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services'
Administration for Children and Families

This          Website is Sponsered by the Child Care Bureau.Child Care Bureau

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Community Service Projects

Many schools, organizations, and afterschool programs either require or recommend community service projects. You can find ideas for projects throughout the site, but the following links may be particularly helpful to you.

Corporation for National and Community Service

The Corporation for National and Community Service, through the Learn and Serve America program, provides funding and training to service-learning programs across America. Nearly one million students from kindergarten through college meet community needs, while improving their academic skills and learning the habits of good citizenship.

Environmental Protection Agency, Community Service Project Ideas

Community service projects allow students to apply the lessons learned in the classroom to real-life situations and experiences. The Environmental Protection Agency has provided you with ideas for community service projects as well as a listing of events in your local area through this site.

National Service-Learning ClearinghouseThis is a link to a non-governmental website. is not responsible for its content.

This site, sponsored by the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse, helps young people learn about their rich democratic traditions as Americans, meet vital community needs, and become responsible and engaged citizens.

National Service-Learning Clearinghouse: Hot TopicsThis is a link to a non-governmental website. is not responsible for its content.

The Hot Topics page of the National Service-Learning Clearinghouse highlights relevant resources related to afterschool and service-learning, including online resources and publications found in the library.

National Service-Learning Clearinghouse: K-12 Highlights

NSLC is a comprehensive information system that focuses on all dimensions of service learning, covering kindergarten through higher education school-based and community-based initiatives.

Peace Corps, World Wise Schools

Find out more about different types of service, and how you can participate in your school, community, and larger world. Get project ideas, learn how to get started, and get a list of links and resources.

USA Freedom Corps

This site, created by President Bush in an effort to expand volunteer service, links kids and youth to great ideas for giving back to their community.

Last Modified $Date: 2008/12/31 10:35:25 $