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Email your Friends

One of the best ways to help us spread the word about Kiva is to email your friends, family, and co-workers - anyone you think might be interested in making a loan. We've included some sample text below; feel free to personalize it however you like.


Add an Email Footer

Tell your friends about Kiva every time you send an email by adding one of the below messages in your email footer. Some ideas:

Materials to Print

Feel free to print or email the materials below - you have our full permission to distribute widely!

Kiva Flier One (color)     |     Kiva Flier Two (black & white)     |    Kiva Brochure

Host a Banner

Show your support of Kiva by placing any of the banners below on your website, blog, MySpace profile - wherever!

By linking to our site you are helping fight poverty, one loan at a time. Please choose from the banners below, and use the code provided by following these steps:
  1. Choose a graphic.
  2. Highlight the code under the graphic.
  3. Copy the code (usually Ctrl+C).
  4. Open your page with any text editor.
  5. Paste the code into your page (usually Ctrl+V).
  6. Save your page.
These banners will display a randomly selected Kiva entrepreneur in need (each page refresh will load a different entrepreneur).

    260 x 170 block banner

    160 x 380 tower banner

These banners are static, and will display what you see below.

    kiva banner

    kiva banner

    kiva banner

    kiva banner

    kiva banner

    kiva banner


    kiva banner

    kiva banner

    kiva banner

    kiva banner

    kiva banner