Real Property Clearinghouse


The following checklist is designed to ensure that your telecommuting employee is properly oriented to the policies and procedures of the telecommuting program. Questions 4, 5, and 6 may not be applicable to your telecommuting employee. If this is the case, simply state non-applicable or n/a.

NAME OF FLEXIPLACE EMPLOYEE_____________________________________________

NAME OF IMMEDIATE SUPERVISOR____________________________________________

1. Employee has read guidelines outlining policies and procedures of the pilot program
2. Employee has been provided with a schedule of core hours
3. Employee has been issued equipment
4. Equipment issued by the agency is documented

    Check as applicable, yes or no:
    -fax machine......................Yes___No___
5. Policies and procedures for care of equipment issued by the agency have been explained and are clearly understood
6. Policies and procedures covering classified, secure, or privacy act data have been discussed, and are clearly understood
7. Requirements for an adequate and safe office space and/or area have been discussed, and the employee certifies those requirements are met
8. Performance expectations have been discussed and are clearly understood
9. Employee understands that the supervisor may terminate employee participation at any time, in accordance with established administrative procedures and union negotiated agreements
10. Employee has participated in training for Federal telecommuters

Supervisor signature

Employee signature


For more information, contact Dr. Wendell Joice on (202) 273-4664 or email at