Office of Real Property Management

Office of Real Property Management -  Mission Statement

The mission is to develop, promote, and assess compliance with management policies and regulations for the effective and efficient stewardship of federal real property assets and alternative workplaces. GSA is the governmentwide leader in asset management, best practices, inventory reporting, legislative reform, performance measurement, and telework.

Office of the Deputy Associate Administrator

What the Office Does:

  • Provides real property asset management direction, policy oversight, and guidance for executive agencies
  • Develops, coordinates, and administers governmentwide real property principles
  • Establishes asset management guidelines, regulations, criteria, policies, and principles for customers within GSA and other federal agencies
  • Evaluates real property policies implementation and effectiveness and the need for continuous improvement
  • Provides liaison with GSA congressional office and coordinates policy documents

The Office has three divisions:

Asset Management Division

  • Helps federal agencies comply with E.O. 13327 "Federal Real Property Asset Management" through programs supporting asset management planning, inventory assessment, and performance measures
  • Supports the Federal Real Property Council and its efforts to promote effective asset management of the federal real property portfolio

>> Learn More About the Asset Management Division

Performance Measurement Division

  • Collects, analyzes, tabulates and publishes real property and workplace performance data and produces reports on annual governmentwide results.
  • Coordinates relationships with industry and associations to further develop and enhance best practice identification and communication.
  • Maintains responsibility for internal performance management issues and deliverables

>> Learn More About the Performance Measurement Division

Regulations Management Division

  • Leads in governmentwide real property policy development and contributes to evolving technologies and practices for managing real property resources
  • Provides policy advice and guidance to users and communicates policies through outreach programs

>> Learn More About the Regulations Management Division

Last Reviewed 2/25/2009