Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Three recent studies find that wine drinkers have lower rates of esophageal damage, which can lead to cancer, but experts say more research is needed.

Recipes for Health

Buckwheat Pasta With Kale

Andrew Scrivani for The New York Times

This is a healthier, pared-down version of a rich, hearty dish from the Lombardy region of Italy that normally is made with buckwheat pasta, cabbage, potatoes, and abundant butter and cheese.

The New Old Age Blog

An Heirloom, and a Farewell

More than a heirloom, my mother's watch counts moments of sharing.

Vital Signs

Obese Teens as Likely as Smokers to Die Early, Study Finds

Shorter life spans are linked to excess weight in youth, a long-term European study concludes.

Morning Rounds: Stifled Patients, Medicaid Mismanagement and Smoking Cessation for Chinese Doctors 11:55 AM ET
5 Questions: Why the Flu Thrives in Winter
In Adults, Shots Are Best for Flu
Childhood: Mold and Pollen May Affect Asthma Risk

Some 26 million adults in the United States have chronic kidney disease, the C.D.C. reports, and most don't even know.

Study Urges More Oversight of Dietary Items

The steps the Food and Drug Administration has taken to more closely supervise the supplement industry do not go far enough, the report by the Government Accountability Office said.

It’s Organic, but Does That Mean It’s Safer?

Shoppers who think organic food is safer are often surprised to hear that organic certification technically has nothing to do with food safety.

  • Times Topics: Food Safety | Organic Food
Doctor and Patient

On Young Doctors and Long Workdays

Dr. Pauline W. Chen talks with Dr. Thomas J. Nasca about residents’ hours, patient safety and the effects of further changes on doctor-patient relations.

Crackdown On Doctors Who Take Kickbacks

The move against doctors is part of a diverse campaign to curb marketing tactics that enrich doctors but increase health care costs and sometimes endanger patients.

Senator Asks Pfizer About Harvard Payments

The drug maker has been asked to provide details of its payments to faculty members at Harvard Medical School.

Alan Landers, Winston Man, Dies at 68

Mr. Landers was a model for advertisements of Winston cigarettes and Tiparillo cigars who contracted lung cancer and became a crusader against smoking.

Rewards for Students Under a Microscope

Are there benefits to paying students for good performance in school?


Liked the Show? Maybe It Was the Commercials

Hate commercials? They may enhance your television-viewing experience.

Patient Voices: Kidney Disease

A lifetime of dialysis or an invasive kidney transplant - - treatment for end-stage renal disease is a life-changing process. Six men and women speak about the challenges, side-effects and surprising rewards of living with kidney disease.

Drug Approval Is Not a Shield From Lawsuits, Justices Rule

The Supreme Court said a drug company is not protected from injury claims merely because the government had approved the products and labeling.


A Hurdle for Health Reform: Patients and Their Doctors

Sometimes the newest treatments aren't best when cost is factored in.


The Claim: Morning Is the Best Time to Exercise

Is there a mental boost connected to exercising in the morning?

Personal Health

Eating Well on a Downsized Food Budget

With the economic downturn, many families may want to add some of the most affordable and nutritious foods to their shopping list.

Inside Ward 2

Twenty women and girls suffering from fistulas, an internal injury from prolonged labor, went to Dodoma, Tanzania, for surgery to try to repair the damage.

Child Caregivers

Hundreds of thousands of children take care of sick parents or grandparents every day.

The Weekly Health Quiz

In the news: Play, weight loss and women in sports. Test your knowledge of this week's health news.

Times Essentials
Reporter's File
Weighing the Options for Hepatitis B

An effective vaccine against hepatitis B is available, but high-risk populations must be targeted, and treated.

Recipes for Health

Featured Ingredient:

A selection of healthy recipes from The New York Times.

Browse Recipes By Ingredient
Room for Debate
Ideas for Fixing Health Care

President Obama said in his speech to Congress that the nation must address “the crushing cost of health care.” Reform won’t be easy, he said, but it cannot wait another year. Health care experts share their ideas for what might make a difference this time.


Doctors and medical scientists answer readers’ questions and write about research in their fields.

Regional Differences in Cost and Care

Track the variability of cost in the Medicare system and the rates of several kinds of surgery.

Mapping the Human ‘Diseasome’

Researchers created a map linking different diseases to the genes they have in common.

Times Essentials

The latest news and scientific perspective on common diseases and conditions.


Health Around the Web