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Commodities: Field Crops



The Georgia Forages website is your window to information on a wide variety of forage management issues. This information is extended to you by scientists from the University of Georgia, who continue to research all aspects of forage and livestock management. The recommendations found in this website are based on peer-reviewed research conducted in Georgia and throughout the world. We hope you will find this website provides accurate and up-to-date information about all forage management issues facing producers in Georgia and the Southeast. Please check this website regularly for updates, dates for upcoming events, and “Hot Topics.”

Hot Topics

Document Type
REGISTER NOW! - 2009 Hay Production School - April 21st
MAJOR EVENT - Regional Forage Trainings - 2009
Winter Grain Mite - AGAIN!
What has caused my bermudagrass to thin and be less productive?
Selecting a Forage Bermudagrass Variety
Who's available to sprig bermudagrass in Georgia?
Perennial Forage Crop Variety Trial - Current Summaries
Measuring the Moisture Content of Forage Using a Microwave Oven
Tips for Buying Hay
Stretching Hay

New Publications and Related Websites

NEW PUB - Soil and Fertilizer Management Considerations for Forage Systems in Georgia
NEW PUB - Georgia Forages: Grass Species
NEW PUB - Georgia Forages: Legume Species
NEW PUB - Alfalfa Management in Georgia
NEW FEATURE - Forage Lectures on Video
NEW NATIONAL PUB - Extending Grazing and Reducing Stored Feed Needs
NEW Website on Switchgrass

Graduate Student Research Assistantship Available!

The Department of Crop and Soil Sciences at the University of Georgia seeks a highly motivated student for a special opportunity in Forage Management. (more)

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University of Georgia (UGA) College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES)