Entry bubble Let's Party

By: Editor | January 19, 2009 | Category: Fun

If yesterday was a day to come together in music and song to celebrate our common heritage and common future, Monday evening has been the time to party! We have members of the USA.gov and GobiernoUSA.gov team at a variety of events this evening, and everyone has been treated to beautiful dresses, high excitement, and many famous people. They've also had the opportunity to celebrate with so many different people.

Velmarie attended the "Kids' Inaugural: We are the Future" concert. Big-name performers like Miley Cyrus, the Jonas Brothers, and Demi Lovato sang for military families. Kids got to go up on stage to dance before the concert officially began. And they got to hear about their role in the historic events of the last couple days. Jamie Foxx told the audience, "You are here because you are the future." Michelle Obama declared, "You are the future of this great nation." And George Lopez joked, "If you think we're making history, just wait until you see the first Latino president!"

Laura went to the 2009 Latino Inaugural Celebration, not only as an attendee, but also as a performer. She sings with a vocal group called Coral Cantigas here in the Washington, D.C. area, and she was lucky enough to be among the chorus' members who sang this evening. The mood was festive from the moment she walked into the grand hall at the Organization of American States, across the street from the grounds of the White House. When the National Anthem was sung, people cheered for over a minute! Performers and presenters alike shared how the nation is changing, as Hispanics make a greater impact (in this election, 10 million Latinos voted). 

The parties will go on well into the night, so check back tomorrow for pictures, perhaps some video, and thoughts from our team members who experienced it all themselves. 

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