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Book and Video Lists

Books on CD
Do you have a long commute? Or are you taking a road trip? Help pass the time with these fiction and nonfiction books on CD about football.
Football in Fiction
With novels that include mysteries and romance, everyone can get into the spirit of the season... football season, that is!
Football Nonfiction
Real stories about the Steelers, the Panthers, Jerome Bettis, Dan Rooney, Joe Namath, Johnny Unitas, Dan Marino and more.
Football Movies & Documentaries
Check out one of these classics to watch when there's no football on TV.
Steelers Videos

Relive the glory days of the Steelers at the Super Bowl.

Teens: Touchdown!

Big Pittsburgh Steelers fan, or just love football? Try one of these nonfiction books.

Teens: Touchdown! Teen Fiction About Football

Are you a football fan? Take yourself into the world of football with one of these novels.

Teens: Touchdown! Football on Film

Try one of these movies or documentaries about football.



Pittsburgh Professional Football

Pittsburgh College Football

Pittsburgh High School Football


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