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Girl Power

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's collection will show you how the strength of women throughout history has made a difference in Pittsburgh and the world.

Books on CD for Women's History Month
Listen to books on your daily commute!
Films for Women's History Month
Check out these documentaries on adventurous women of the past, including Pittsurgh's Nellie Bly.
Girl Power! Fiction about Strong Women
These books for teens show that girls can accomplish anything.
Girl Power! Nonfiction about Strong Women
Learn about some amazing real women in these nonfiction books for teens.
Historical Fiction about Strong Women
Be inspired by these historical stories featuring strong female protagonists.
Rachel Carson
Rachel Carson, one of the founders of the environmental movement, was born in Springdale, PA and attended Chatham University (then the Pennsylvania College for Women).
Women in Music
Women have always been active in the performance and creation of music albeit not always in the public spotlight. Today, women are making their mark as never before in all aspects of the world of music.