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Your Right to Read:
The Fight Against Censorship
Featured Collection September 2008

Feeling a little rebellious? Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's collection is home to some of the most controversial books in history. You might be surprised at what made the list!

Teens: Censorship Causes Blindness: Read!

Celebrate Banned Books Week, not by reading a book that's been banned but by checking out one of these titles about what happens when the culture of censorship reigns supreme.

Banned Films

A short list of films challenged, seized, protested, banned or censored in the United States.

Challenging Reads (in more ways than one)

Consider exploring these titles that have been challenged because of their controversial content.

Controversial Topics: Censorship

Censorship has been used to restrict the publication of racey works of literature but it is also used to control the content of art, film, news and the internet.