Sustainable Agriculture in Arizona



Small Farms


Farmer's Market

Research Project

Funding Opportunities

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SARE Fellows


Funding Opportunities

As in the past year, there are limited amounts of Sustainable Agriculture-related travel funds available for professionals to attend in-state and out-of-state educational events. Any individual interested in attending a conference or other event can apply for a $500 travel scholarship.

These educational opportunities should have, as a major component, some type of Sustainable Agriculture agenda. To apply for funding, please send a one-page description of the event to Rick Gibson, Arizona Professional Development Coordinator.

As in other programs, impacts are important and travel fund recipients should be prepared to submit a one-page report at the conclusion of the event highlighting any short-term or long-term impacts that the training might have upon the individual and their program.


Rick Gibson
Arizona PDP Coordinator

Last Reviewed and Updated: September 8, 2008
Natural Resources Conservation Service
University of Arizona University of Arizona Cooperative Extension