Welcome to Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG)

Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) is an international not-for-profit group that develops standards and protocols for sharing biodiversity data.   Read more.

Conference Presentations and Posters

The 2008 Annual Conference was held in October in Fremantle. Presentations, posters and demos in the form of PowerPoint, PDF and Flash video files are now linked to the program and are also available in alphabetical order by presenter at http://www.tdwg.org/conference2008/program/slides-upload/.

Basic Recommendations

The most widely deployed formats for biodiversity occurrence data are Darwin Core (wiki) and ABCD (wiki). New deployments of these and other XML based formats should use the TAPIR exchange protocol.

The TDWG community's priority is the deployment of Life Science Identifiers (LSID), the preferred Globally Unique Identifier technology and transitioning to RDF encoded metadata as defined by a set of simple vocabularies. All new projects should address the need for tagging their data with LSIDs and consider the use or development of appropriate vocabularies.

TDWG's activities within the biodiversity informatics domain can be found in the Activities section of this website.

Please consider becoming a member. TDWG needs people with IT skills to  develop effective standards for sharing biodiversity data. We need biologists, taxonomists, zoologists, geoscientists, librarians and anyone dealing with biodiversity information. We need institutional members that could use our standards to ensure that what we develop will save you time and money.

There are three ways to join TDWG-

Institutional members are entitled to up to five discounted registrations at the annual conference. Please visit the Membership page for more details.

Latest News

15-Jan-2009 NCD Public Review

TDWG announces the Public Review of the proposed Natural CollectionsDescriptions (NCD) standard.  NCD has been reviewed by the TDWG ExecutiveCommittee and we now seek comment from the community.The NCD abstract can be...

12-Nov-2008 Chairman's Message

Dear TDWG members and friends,

The TDWG Conference 2008 took place in Fremantle a couple of weeks ago. I would like to thank all those who took the time to travel to this remote location and those who contributed to the success...

29-Oct-2008 TDWG 2008 a success!

TDWG 2008 concluded successfully in Fremantle, with a record turnout and a great deal of interest in the work presented.

With some 180 participants coming from all over the globe to the most remote city on the planet, attendance...

15-Oct-2008 TDWG2008

TDWG 2008 is only a few days away. We have around 170 people registered from 25 countries and 110 organizations. 

The program has been finalized. There are 82 presentations, 37 posters and 12 computer demonstrations! The...

25-Jul-2008 EDIT Summer School 2008 ‘Modern Taxonomy and Field Work’

The EDIT Summer School 2008 is an initiative of the European Network of Excellence EDIT (European Distributed Institute of Taxonomy). It aims to train students in “Best Practice” of field sampling and various aspects of taxonomic...

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  Last Modified: 22 December 2008