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Who Volunteers?

"The Peace Corps gave me a wonderful opportunity to learn about my heritage through the eyes of someone else. No matter what your ethnicity, the Peace Corps gives you a chance to discover life and the world. After being a Volunteer, you know yourself better and have a greater sense of what you believe in. You look at America in an entirely new light and feel that you are part of a global community-the human tribe."

- Nicole Dicanio (Ghana 2000-2002)

Picture yourself as a Peace Corps Volunteer.

The men and women who join the Peace Corps reflect the rich diversity of America in race, ethnic background, age, and religion. They possess varying physical capabilities. They come from all geographical regions, all personal backgrounds, all walks of life. Each brings a unique perspective.

What do they all have in common? A sense of adventure and a desire to help others.

Use the links below to explore just a few of the many types of people who have served as Peace Corps Volunteers.

College Students
Recent college grads, liberal arts majors, community college students--if you're in college now or have a college degree, a Peace Corps recruiter wants to talk to you.
People of Color
Find out about people of different ethnic backgrounds lending their experiences and skills to the Peace Corps.
Older Applicants
Are your loved ones concerned about your desire to join the Peace Corps? This section will help.
Married Couples
Social Security benefits and arranging financial affairs for living abroad.
Information to jumpstart a conversation with your agency's human resources department.

Last updated Sep 24 2008

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Notable Volunteers

Business leaders, educators, award-winning writers and more share one thing in common: They've all served in the Peace Corps.

Find out who they are

Find Local Events

Peace Corps recruiters appear at information sessions, campus and community events, and career fairs. Pick your state and find a Peace Corps event near you.