Entry bubble Black Friday Commando

By: Ginger | November 28, 2008 | Category: Money

I have never gone shopping the day after Thanksgiving (Black Friday), but this year my mom is visiting, so we will join the madness. Since this will be my first Black Friday adventure, mom and friends shared some shopping strategies and horror stories with me. My mom told me of the “Cabbage Patch Kids” riots of ’83 when shoppers ran through the store when the doors opened and fought over dolls. My friend, Laura, got into a smackdown over a Teddy Ruxpin on a Black Friday.

Ginger in camouflage gear ready to shop on Black FridayI’ve come to the conclusion that this won’t just be shopping; this experience will require “extreme shopping tactics.” That’s right; I will be morphing into a Black Friday Commando. Since I’m not very athletic, I think dangling from wires above my purchase targets or attempting ninja moves will only result in pulled muscles. Instead, I will be camouflaging myself to sneak around for the best deals.

If these tactics sound a little overboard, I suppose you could just stick to normal shopping procedures. Not as fun, but probably more effective. The federal government has some holiday shopping guidelines and tips. ConsumerAction.gov offers General Buying Tips, a section on Gift Cards, and if you do have purchase problems, tips on how to complain and a sample complaint letter.

Preventing Holiday Shopping Headaches, Tips for Smart Holiday Shopping, and Holiday Shopping are good resources to read prior to hitting the malls.

If dealing with crowds, payment lines, and hunting for parking isn’t your thing, here are two resources that offer some good on-line shopping tips: On-line Holiday Shopping and Shopping From Home.

My mother agrees that the camouflage will probably work, but not because it will help me sneak about unnoticed. She thinks everyone will notice and run in the opposite direction, thereby clearing a path to the cash registers. I say, “Hey, whatever works!”

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