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National Center for Animal Health Emergency Management


As leaders in animal health emergency management, we develop strategies and policies for effective incident management, and we coordinate incident responses. As a liaison with outside emergency management groups, we ensure that VS emergency management policies, strategies, and responses are current with national and international standards.

Who We Are

More about Who We Are


The National Center for Animal Health Emergency Management has two staffs. Collectively, we develop strategies and policies for effective incident management and coordinate incident responses. We also plan and coordinate delivery of training that will ensure personnel are ready for emergency response work.

  • The Interagency Coordination Staff plans, organizes, and leads efforts to support and improve the response preparedness and coordinates and creates partnerships with other Federal, State, and local entities to strengthen early detection and rapid response capabilities at all levels.
  • The Preparedness and Response Staff develops and disseminates emergency response guidelines based on NIMS and the Incident Command for responding effectively and efficiently to a foreign animal disease or pest, and ensures that guidelines are current, flexible to change, and adaptable to any disease or animal pest situation. We coordinate investigations and disseminate information about suspected outbreaks of foreign animal diseases.
  • The National Veterinary Stockpile (NVS) staff operate the nation’s repository of vaccines, personnel protective equipment, and other critical veterinary supplies, equipment, and services for augmenting within 24-hours State and local resources in the fight against dangerous animal diseases. The NVS has two primary goals. By 2011, it will acquire countermeasures against the first 10 of the 17 worst disease threats including Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza, Foot-and-Mouth Disease, Rift Valley Fever, Exotic Newcastle Disease, and Classical Swine Fever. By 2016, it will acquire countermeasures against all 17 disease threats.

Interagency Coordination Staff Responsibilites and Roles

  • Plans, organizes, and leads efforts to support and improve the response preparedness and capability of States, regions, local jurisdictions, Tribes, and other entities.
  • Leads the Agency in the implementation of the NIMS.
  • Coordinates and creates partnerships with other Federal, State, and local entities to strengthen early detection and rapid response capabilities at all levels.
  • Plans and coordinates delivery of training that will ensure personnel are ready for emergency response work.

Preparedness and Incident Coordination Staff Responsibilites and Roles

  • Develops and disseminates emergency response guidelines based on NIMS and the Incident Command System that clearly present action necessary to respond effectively and efficiently to a foreign animal disease or pest.
  • Ensures guidelines are current, flexible to change, and adaptable to any disease or pest situation.
  • Plans and coordinates delivery of training that will ensure personnel are ready for emergency response work.
  • Monitors and disseminates information on potential or actual outbreaks and other natural or technological disasters.
  • Coordinates investigations and disseminates information about suspected outbreaks of foreign animal diseases.
  • Maintains a robust staff of animal health disease experts representing all major fields.

Emergency Management Response System (EMRS)
Veterinary Services (VS) is responsible for detecting and responding to outbreaks of animal diseases that occur within the United States. Animal disease outbreaks are many and varied, EMRS supports numerous data requirements nationwide by promoting timely and effective responses to and management of animal health emergencies by automating the collection, management, and analysis of data from animal disease investigations and animal disease outbreak incidents.

News and Information


Hot Issues at APHIS
Incident Command System (ICS) Resource Center
Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health (CEAH)
     Center for Emerging Issues (CEI)
     National Center for Animal Health Surveillance (NCAHS)
National Veterinary Services Laboratories (NVSL)

Other Federal Agencies involved in Animal Health Emergency Management


Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS)
Department of Homeland Security - Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA)
     FEMA - National Incident Management System (NIMS)
Department of Homeland Security – Customs and Border Protection (CBP)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES)
Agricultural Research Service (ARS)

International Organizations Involved in Animal Health Emergency Management


World Organization for Animal Health (OIE)
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

Contact Us: 4700 River Road, Unit 41
Riverdale, MD 20737
301-734-8073 7:30am-5:00pm ET
Toll Free: 800-940-6524
FAX: 301-734-7817


Last Modified: February 19, 2009