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Museum Studies Home Documentation
130x50 Welcome - Museum studies, sometimes called museology, is the field that encompasses the ideas and issues involved in the museum profession—from the practical, day-to-day skills needed to operate a museum to theories on the societal role of museums.
The Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies (SCEMS) assists the museum community in acquiring and strengthening its understandings and practices of museology. This website is one of the Center's tools for serving the educational and informational needs of the field.
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Free Online Education Conference on Abraham Lincoln from the Smithsonian Institution
National Portrait Gallery © Smithsonian Institution Join the Smithsonian Institution’s first online education conference, February 4 and 5, 2009, and explore fascinating aspects of the life and death of one of our nation’s greatest presidents, Abraham Lincoln.

In this innovative format, you will interact in real-time with Smithsonian experts and hundreds of fellow participants.  With only a computer and an Internet connection, you will see and hear live presentations, take part in a moderated Q&A forum, and exchange ideas with a community of learners. It’s a special behind-the-scenes look into the Smithsonian’s collections of artifacts, artworks, and documents, from the perspectives of history, science, and art. Registration for the conference is free and open to everyone.  Sessions will be archived for later viewing.  

For the conference program and registration, go to
Explore Museum Studies
130x50 Museum Studies Training and Careers
Locate professional-development opportunities and information for making informed career decisions and finding a job.

Fellowships in Museum Practice
Look into opportunities to research museology issues at the Smithsonian.

130x50   Museology Resources
Find professional associations and special interest groups, on-line references, bibliographies, curriculum tools and materials, and much more.
130x50   Museum Studies Webcast Archives
Watch past presentations hosted by the Smithsonian Center for Education and Museum Studies on topics relating to museology.
Introducing the 2009 Fellows in Museum Practice

Karol Ann LawsonKarol Ann Lawson
Interim director, Sweet Briar College Art Museum and Galleries
Sweet Briar, VA

Research topic: “Not for Sale: Recent Deaccessioning Controversies in U.S. Museums”

Eric Sandweiss
Carmony Chair of History, Associate Professor, and Editor, Indiana Magazine of History
U. of Indiana, Bloomington

Research topic: "The City's Museum and the Museum's City: The Urban Landscape and Museum Practice in Europe and North America, 1850-2000"

Selma ThomasSelma Thomas
Independent Scholar
Washington, DC

Research topic: "An Examination into the Impact of Web 2.0 on Museum Exhibitions"

Alessia ZorloniAlessia Zorloni
Research Associate
“Strategic Management for Contemporary Art”
(a project of the Austrian Science Fund (FWF))
Vienna, Austria

Research topic: "Achieving Excellence: Investigation into the Use of Performance Indicators in Museums"

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Museum Employment Opportunities
Museum Studies Training Programs Directory
Museum-Related Organizations

Museum Studies Bibliographies (SIRIS)

  Upcoming Events
  SCEMS Internship Application Deadline: March 15
  Fellowships in Museum Practice Application Deadline: February 15
  Frequently Asked Questions
  What are resources that can help me start a new museum?
  Where are museum jobs advertised?
  Where can I get information on museum federal funding sources?
  Where can I get information on planning a career in museums?
  What kinds of academic programs are available in museum studies and related fields?
  Where can I get information on developing museum studies curriculum?
  Where can I get information on museum accessibility policies and practices?
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