Entry bubble Diet Pill Warning

By: Joanne | December 30, 2008 | Category: Health

a bottle of pillsHow timely. Just when half the country is looking for an easy way lose weight in 2009, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has come out with a warning about tainted, unsafe weight loss pills. This is not just one product, but actually more than 25 different products that contain dangerous chemicals.

So far, there’s no recall and these products are still available to consumers, so if you’ve got a bottle of “natural” or “herbal” weight loss pills in the house, check to be sure that yours isn’t on the list of tainted products.

Come on, we all know that these kinds of products aren’t the answer anyway. We think it would be wonderful if we could just pop a pill once a day and have the figure of a supermodel. Sure, weight loss pills and slimming diets can help us lose a few pounds, but once you’re off the diet, the pounds always creep back.

To risk sounding old and wise, I have to tell you that it’s all about your every day food choices and exercise. Really. You know I like to ride my bike, and I have to confess that I’m riding my stationary bike while I'm writing this. That’s right, I can pedal and type at the same time. I get some exercise and changed my diet and I’m here telling you it works and it’s not so terrible. I needed a nutritionist to help me figure out what I need to do, but if you don’t want to spend the money then head to nutrition.gov and read up. Make a little effort, and you’ll get the lasting weight control you’re looking for and you won’t need the silly pills after all.

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Entry bubble Health and Losing Weight: The New Grapefruit Diet?

By: Nancy | January 03, 2008 | Category: Health

christine eating grapefruit at her computer

Christine had me worried.

The homeschooling mom with six guys in the house (her husband, four sons and Otis the dog) and a freelance writing career is one of the busiest people I know. So I'm really glad she has time for our morning check-ins on instant messenger. Lately though, conversations always find their way to back to her new obsession:

nancy: What are you doing?
christine: Eating a grapefruit.
nancy: This is your second one this morning.
christine: Yup.
nancy: Ewwww.
christine: That's ok. MORE FOR ME.

When this all got started, I wondered whether she was gearing up for the new year by losing weight following the old, fad "Grapefruit Diet." But no, Christine says she just really likes grapefruit. And the side effect of weight loss (helped by her faithful trips to the gym) is just an added benefit.

I know that Christine isn't eating just grapefruit, but I was still curious whether she could be getting too much of a good thing. So I did some investigating and found Nutrition.gov. For somebody who insists that banana bread counts as a serving of fruit and mint chocolate chip ice cream counts as a serving of vegetables because it's green, I have to admit, I really liked this site. From buying and preparing food to managing your weight to finding out nutrient values, the site has lots of great information.

It seems as if there's a "dot gov" for nearly every topic now. And FruitsAndVeggiesMatter.gov may be one of the most creative ".gov" urls I've heard of. One of my favorite finds on the site was the diagram showing what counts as a serving (1/2 or whole cup) of a fruit or vegetable. I saw a banana on the chart but not banana bread. So I may have to admit defeat on that one. Oh well. I did find the site's Fruit and Vegetable of the Month past feature on grapefruit, including serving and storage suggestions and a history of the fruit.

Christine and a grapefruitIt also mentions that grapefruit and grapefruit juice can interact with some medications used for controlling cholesterol, depression, anxiety, HIV/AIDS, allergies and high blood pressure--making them ineffective or causing side effects. Here's a chart you may want to take a look at if you're taking medication for any of those conditions and you like grapefruit. And if you have diabetes, a good side effect of eating grapefruit or drinking the juice is that it can help lower blood glucose levels.

If you're like Christine though, grapefruit has a final, lesser-publicized side effect: it makes your hands, desk and computer keyboard sticky. But it can make you very, very happy.

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Entry bubble New Year's Resolutions

By: Colleen | December 31, 2007 | Category: General

So long to 2007, the year when Britney officially went bonkers. Bring on 2008 and whatever it has in store—I'm predicting many more Hollywood divorces and rehab stints.

For us everyday Joes and Janes, it's New Year's resolution time! Each year, millions of Americans resolve to make themselves or the world around them better. Here is a list of the most popular pledges for the next 365 days.

At the top of the heap: Lose weight. No big shocker here. As the holiday season comes to a close, we're all carrying around a little chub. Many thanks to all those cookies, second helpings of mashed potatoes, and the rounds of drinks with friends. The time has come to get back on track, or better yet—the treadmill.

Others hope to get their finances in order. With personal debt at an all-time high (student loans anyone? Years of credit card abuse?) now is the perfect time to sit down and take a hard look at your money. Get on a payment plan, stop spending what you don't have, and work your way to a desirable credit score.

Those living behind a computer screen 9-5 each day vow to take a trip. Most Americans to not even use the full vacation time they are allotted each year. Allow me to help rectify this by letting you in on a secret: the work will always be there, and the universe will remain intact should you not be in the office for a few days. A plug for a few of my favorite vacay destinations to give you some ideas: Key West, FL. Nassau, Bahamas. San Diego, CA. London, England. Places to avoid: Boston, MA. The entire state of Ohio.

Never one to be entirely conventional, here are some ideas for resolutions that stray slightly from the standard.

  • Use coupons more frequently
  • Drink more water
  • Make purchases from local businesses instead of large chain stores

Best of luck with whatever resolution you chose this year!

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