United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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One-Year Anniversary of the 2002 Farm Bill

May 13 marks the one-year anniversary of the day President Bush signed the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 (2002 Farm Bill).  The 2002 Farm Bill represents the single most significant commitment of resources toward conservation on private lands in the nation’s history – an increase of more than $18 billion over 10 years. Last summer, farmers and ranchers entered into more than $700 million in contracts for conservation work under the new Farm Bill.  This spring, Agriculture Secretary Ann M. Veneman announced the release of another $1.9 billion for NRCS farm bill programs during the current fiscal year.  President Bush’s budget proposal for 2004 includes nearly $3.9 billion for conservation programs. The Federal investment in Farm Bill programs is only part of the story.  Landowner contributions and contributions from a variety of Federal and non-Federal partners mean twice as much conservation gets done on the land.

Today, we are in a position to help more landowners accomplish more conservation than ever before! Our hard work will help farmers and ranchers make the "next golden age of conservation" a reality. More conservation on the land means healthier soil, cleaner air and water, increased wildlife habitat, more economically stable rural communities, and increased scenic beauty -- benefits that all Americans can enjoy.


 Success Stories -- The stories of the families that follow are six of the recent winners of the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Stewardship awards. All work with USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service. They are just a few of the people transmuting conservation farm programs into a healthy earth—while helping to feed a hungry world.

Success Stories:


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Video: Farm Bill 2002 -- What It Can Do for You (12 minutes)

Audio Public Service Announcements
Old MacDonald (30 seconds)
Priceless Resources (30 seconds)
Conservation Sounds (30 seconds)
Taking Care (30 seconds)
New Day (30 seconds)

USDA News Release: USDA Completes Work on EQIP, Farm and Ranch Lands Protection, Grassland Reserve and Forest Land Enhancement Rules

NRCS Farm Bill Web Site

USDA Releases $1.9 Billion for Conservation on Working Lands

NRCS Farm Bill News Releases

Technical Tools implemented for the Farm Bill:  eFOTG, TechReg