Your Medicine: Play It Safe

You can learn more about how to take medicines safely by reading this guide. It answers common questions about getting and taking medicines and has many handy forms that will help you keep track of information. Keep this guide with your medicines in case you have any questions, concerns, or worries.

This guide was developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and the National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE).

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Medicine and You
Four Ways To Play it Safe with Medicines
   1. Give Your Health Care Team Important Information
   2. Get the Facts About Your Medicine
   3. Stay With Your Treatment Plan
   4. Keep a Record of Your Medicines
   Doctors and Pharmacies (PDF File, 10 KB). PDF Help.
   Medicine Record Form (PDF File, 38 KB). PDF Help.
   Questions To Ask Before Taking Medicine (PDF File, 14 KB). PDF Help.
   Notes (PDF File, 10 KB). PDF Help.
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How To Order Copies of This Guide

Medicine and You

Have you ever had a problem with your medicines? You are not alone. There are so many things to keep track of. For example, you may have asked yourself:

Let's face it. Medicine is prescribed to help you. But it can hurt you if you take too much or mix medicines that don't go together. Many people are harmed each year, some seriously, because of taking the wrong medicine or not taking the right medicines correctly.

Your Health Care Team

You can help get the best results by being a partner with your health care team. Your health care team includes:

Doctors and Pharmacies

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Doctor: _______________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________

Doctor: _______________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________

Doctor: _______________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________

Nurse: ________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________

Pharmacist: ____________________________________________________________
Phone: _______________________________________________________________

24-hour Pharmacy: _______________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________

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Four Ways To Play It Safe With Medicines

1. Give Your Health Care Team Important Information

Be a partner with your health care team. Tell them about:

Also be sure to tell your health care team:

I go to my regular doctor for most things, but sometimes I go to a specialist. No matter who I'm going to see, I always take my list of medicines with me and show it to the doctor.

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2. Get the Facts About Your Medicine

Be Informed

Ask questions about every new prescription medicine. Get the answers you need from your health care team before you take your medicine.

Read the Prescription

If your doctor writes your prescription by hand, make sure you can read it. If you can't read your doctor's handwriting, your pharmacist might not be able to either. If your doctor submits your prescription to the pharmacy electronically, ask for a copy of the prescription.

Know What Your Medicine Is For

Ask your doctor to write down on the prescription what the medicine is used for...not just "take once a day" but "take once a day for high blood pressure."

Ask Questions

If you have other questions or concerns:

By taking the time to ask questions now, you may be preventing problems later.

Questions To Ask Before Taking Your Medicine

Select for a list of Questions To Ask Before Taking Medicine (PDF File, 14 KB).


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3. Stay With Your Treatment Plan

I want to make sure all my medicines are OK. So once a year I call my pharmacist and make an appointment for her to check everything I'm taking. I put all my medicines and vitamins in a bag. I even put in nonprescription medicines like antacids, pain relievers, and laxatives.

Now that you have the right medicine, you'll want to carry out the treatment plan. But that's not always easy. The medicines may cause side effects. Or you may feel better and want to stop before finishing your medicines.

What Products Can Help Me Keep Track of My Medicines?

Many products can help remind you to take your medicine on time and keep track of the doses you take. There are containers you can fill with your pills for each day of the week, calendars to check off, and even products that fit on top of a pill bottle. Ask your pharmacist for help finding the right product for you.


You can get help:

Friends and Family

Friends and family can help by:

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4. Keep a Record of Your Medicines

Use the Medicine Record Form (PDF File, 38 KB; ) to help you keep track of your medicines, vitamins, and other dietary supplements.

What Is a Generic Medicine?

Generic drugs are safe, effective, and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They have the same dosage, safety, quality, performance, and strength as the brand-name drug. The color or flavor of a generic medicine may be different from the brand-name drug, but the active ingredient is the same.

After the patent runs out on a brand-name drug, companies can apply to the FDA to make a generic copy of that drug. Generic drugs usually cost less than brand-name drugs because their manufacturers didn't pay for the development costs of the medicine.

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For More Information

To learn about specific medicines, go to MEDLINEplus® If you do not have Internet access, ask your local librarian for help.

The checklist, Women and Medicines: What You Need to Know, has information on how medicines can affect women's bodies and what women can do for safe and effective medicine use.

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has booklets about preventing, diagnosing, and treating common health conditions.

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How To Order Copies of This Guide

Larger quantities can be purchased from the National Council on Patient Information and Education (NCPIE), which may have bulk discounts available. NCPIE also offers information about other resources for learning about safe medicine use.

Visit its Web sites:

Or contact NCPIE at:

National Council on Patient Information and Education
4915 Saint Elmo Avenue, Suite 505
Bethesda, MD 20814-6082
Phone: (301) 656-8565
Fax: (301) 656-4464

NCPIE does not supervise or endorse the activities of any group or professional. Discussion and action concerning medicines are solely the responsibility of patients and their health care professionals, and not NCPIE.

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