
Consumer Info: Money

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66 Ways to Save Money

66 Ways to Save Money
These days, it’s more important than ever to get the most for your money. Learn how and test your consumer savvy with “66 Ways to Save Money.”

Visit the site from the CFA.

Online Articles & Tools

BBBTips™ on How to Develop a Working Budget
If you are seeking to improve your financial situation, you won't make much progress unless you change your spending and savings habits. And, until you honestly assess how much money comes in (your income) and where it flows out (your expenses), you won't know which changes are right for your particular situation. That is why you need a spending plan, also called a working budget. Read the full article from the BBB.

BBBTips™ on How to Repay Your Debt
Excessive debt can be troubling. It may weigh heavily on your mind, cause tension in the family and dampen your quality of life. You don't have to endure a burden of debt. There are ways to manage your debt repayment effectively, but it will require patience as well as perseverance. Excessive debt does not magically appear in an instant, and it's not going to disappear overnight. Read the full article from the BBB.

BBBTips™ on Saving and Investing
It's scary to think that most of us have only enough in personal savings to cover one or two lost paychecks. We all need to save money to boost our financial security and contribute to our financial independence. And, by taking small steps, anyone can build their savings. Read the full article from the BBB.