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These Boots are Made for Walking

Time to come out of winter hibernation and take in the fresh air! Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's materials on outdoor pursuits offer information on where to go and what to do when you get there.

Hiking & Backpacking
Pittsburgh is blessed to have the Laurel Highlands on its back doorstep. May is a great time to get out and see the wildflowers. Don't miss them!
Books about the Outdoors for Grownups
Check out these extreme and not so extreme sports!
Cooking on the Trail
Our extensive cookbook collection even includes these handbooks for cooking meals in camp and on the trail.
Outdoor Pursuits for Teens
Do you wish you could spend all your time outside, or are you happiest inside on the couch? Either way, take your imagine outside with one of these books about teen surviving in the great outdoors.
Outdoor Pursuits: Skateboarding
The wind in your hair, the scabs on your knees -- skateboarding has a lot to offer! Learn more about it with one of these books.
Whether you are walking around an indoor track or treadmill or are interested in more exotic locations like downtown Pittsburgh, France or England, we've got resources to get you started and keep you trekking.
Walks to Remember
Maybe you should thinking twice about hiking after all...
Wildlife and Wildflowers
Whether you are chasing chipmunks, taking photos of flowers, or foraging for food, the library has loads of books to help you identify what you find.