Non-medical Uses of Computed Tomography (CT)
and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)

Computed Tomography (CT) Scanner
CT Scanner - Courtesy Stanford
University Department of Energy
Resources Engineering

· Resources with Additional Information

Computed tomography (CT) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) have been used

  • to resolve industrial problems, for materials characterizations, and to provide non-destructive evaluations for discovering flaws in parts before their use, resulting in greater reliability and greater safety for workers;
  • to identify the presence and facilitate the recovery/extraction of oil, water, coal, and/or gas; and
  • to provide non-destructive testing and quality control of fresh fruits and vegetables, enhancing the safety of food.

These benefits of non-medical uses of CT and NMR contribute to the economy and improve people's lives.

'Computed tomography (CT) is a radiographic inspection method that uses a computer to reconstruct an image of a cross sectional plane of an object. In conventional radiography, information on the slice plane P projects into a single line, A-A; whereas in the associated CT image, the full spatial information is preserved... . The CT image is derived from a large number of systematic observations at different viewing angles, and an image is then reconstructed with the aid of a computer. If an internal feature is detected in conventional projection radiography, its position along the line of sight between the source and the film is unknown. Somewhat better positional information can be determined by making additional radiographs from several viewing angles and triangulating. This triangulation is a rudimentary, manual form of tomographic reconstruction. In essence, a CT image is the result of triangulating every point in the plane from many different directions.'

- Edited excerpt from Basics of Computed Tomography

Resources with Additional Information

Additional information about the non-medical uses of nuclear imaging, computed tomography, and non-destructive testing is available in DOE documents and on the Web.



Additional Web Pages:


Oil Recovery:
