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Global Climate Change


Atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and other greenhouse gases have increased substantially since pre-industrial times, and are expected to continue their steep rate of increase if current emission patterns continue. The major human source of greenhouse gas emissions is burning fossil fuels. ERS research focuses on how changes in global climate may affect both U.S. and world agricultural production, and investigates those agricultural practices—such as conservation tillage or winter cover crops—that can mitigate climate change by reducing emissions or increasing carbon sequestration. More overview...


Economics of Sequestering Carbon in the U.S. Agricultural Sector—Atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases can be reduced by withdrawing carbon from the atmosphere and sequestering it in soils and biomass. This report analyzes the performance of alternative incentive designs and payment levels if farmers were paid to adopt land uses and management practices that raise soil carbon levels. Amber Waves summary article (March 2004).

Economic Impacts of Carbon Charges on U.S. Agriculture—Evaluates the farm sector impacts that would result from implementing a system of carbon-based charges on energy-intensive inputs. The analysis emphasizes production costs, crop acreage, commodity prices, input use, farm income, and farm welfare. The charges considered—$14, $100, and $200 per metric ton of carbon—were developed from the literature and are consistent with reducing U.S. greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels, minus 7 percent, by 2010 under different levels of carbon trading and developing country participation. Impacts are relatively modest for a charge of $14 per mt. Producer and consumer surplus decline less than 0.5 percent relative to baseline conditions, and price increases and production declines across crop and livestock commodities are all less than 1 percent. As the carbon charge increases, farm sector impacts become more pronounced and the significance of the aggregate effect becomes more subjective. Climatic Change (9/01)

Recommended Readings

Agricultural Adaptation to Climate Change: Issues of Longrun Sustainability—Early evaluations of the effects of climate change on agriculture, which did not account for economic adjustments or consider the broader economic and environmental implications of such changes, overestimated the negative effects of climate change. This report focuses on economic adaptation and concludes there is considerably more sectoral flexibility and adaptability than found in other analyses.

World Agriculture and Climate Change: Economic Adaptations (AER-703)—A comprehensive, economically consistent projection of how climate change might alter the location and intensity of farming. Directly links detailed climate projections with distributions of land and water resources, and estimates the economic effects in the major resource-using sectors (crop, livestock, and forestry).

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Related Briefing Rooms

Conservation Policy
Environmental Interactions with Agricultural Production
Global Resources and Productivity

Questions and Answers

Important research questions and answers on issues of climate change impacts, agriculture's role, and policies to reduce global climate change.

Related Links

USDA Global Change Program Office—USDA-wide coordinator of agriculture, rural, and forestry-related global change program and policy issues.

U.S. Global Change Research Program—Provides the foundation for improving predictions of seasonal-to-interannual climate fluctuations and long-term climate change.

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Profile of Hired Farmworkers, A 2008 Update
World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates
The Environment for Agricultural and Agribusiness Investment in India
Food Security Assessment, 2007
Pesticide Resistance, Population Dynamics, and Invasive Species Management

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Wheat Data
Farm Program Acres
Agricultural Exchange Rate Data Set
U.S. Sweet Corn Statistics
U.S. Agricultural Trade Data Update


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Updated date: December 20, 2005