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  1. My horse has a lump under its jaw with no other symptoms of strangles. What else could it be? 1stars Published: February 17, 2009
  2. I have a TWH that had EPM, and I treated him 10 years ago. I still ride him, and he seems to be doing all right, but when he increases his speed, he seems uncoordinated and sometimes trips. Is this a result of EPM, and can I push him to go faster to increase his coordination? 5stars Published: February 17, 2009
  3. Is there a horse manure recycling option for straw not wood mixed with manure? We run an 8-horse farm and use mostly straw in our bedding. Say, 1 bale of straw to 1/4 bag of woodchip bedding. not rated Published: January 26, 2009
  4. What type of record keeping should I have during the pregnancy of my mares? not rated Published: January 11, 2009
  5. Is there a pill to stop a pregnancy in a horse? My stallion got out tonight, and he inseminated one of my mares. I would like to prevent her from getting pregnant. not rated Published: January 11, 2009
  6. What are some good pasture choices (grasses and legumes) for horses in Kentucky? not rated Published: January 11, 2009
  7. I have a 10 year old Dutch Warmblood, imported from Holland just over two years ago. Each time he has an injection (either IV or IM) he is having skin reactions such as heat and swelling and they are getting progressively worse. He still has a knot over his jugular from a banamine injection from Oct. Who can I contact for more information on how to prevent/ treat this before he gets seriously worse? My veterinarian has already tried many of the normal treatments/ preventions. not rated Published: January 06, 2009
  8. What can you tell me about Rose Growers Disease in Horses? not rated Published: January 06, 2009
  9. My horse has crusty brownish red stuff forming in his ears. When wiped with a damp cloth it softens and is bloody. The problem seems to be getting worse as the summer progresses. What should I do? not rated Published: January 06, 2009
  10. My 7-year-old horse is kept in an open-type stable. After his breakfast, I let him out to the running field. He is there alone from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Now that winter has gone and the days are longer. I'm worried because he has an unusual habit of lying down in the middle of the afternoon. He lies there for about half an hour and then gets up. Sometimes he sleeps for a couple of minutes, sometimes not. Is this normal? Also, I started giving him Wisolan from Wisoform because he had a running nose for quite some time. It is as recommended. Do you know if it will help a running nose? not rated Published: January 06, 2009
  11. I have a horse and a pony that have been chewing the bark from trees. I have cut or blocked off their access to these trees. They are showing no signs of loss of energy and they both are eating and drinking properly. Is this a vitamin in their systems that they both are lacking?? They have plenty of hay, grain, and mineral salt. Is this a lacking of fiber in their diet?? What is a source of more fiber that I can feed them that will help?? They just started chewing this winter. My horse has been in this pasture for one year before and never chewed bark before. We just purchased the pony this fall and it is the first winter for her in this pasture. 5stars Published: January 06, 2009
  12. How do you teach a young horse to lounge? 4stars Published: December 03, 2008
  13. We have a herd of Peruvian Pasos (11) which tend to get fat, and some seem laminitic prone if we don't really watch their diet. In general, we prefer that they roam with a few quarter horses on 30 acres, but we take them off the grass in the spring with new grass and elevated NSC (non-structural carbohydrates). We understand there is a period in fall when this is also a problem. We would like to know the dates, or is it more a weather/temperature period we need to watch for to avoid problems with high sugars? 4stars Published: October 30, 2008
  14. I have a 6-year-old Tennessee walking horse that became overweight. I had to put him on Carb-X, curtail his eating, exercise him more, and use a grazing muzzle. He has lost weight, but now I am wondering if I can quit using the grazing muzzle since winter is here and the grasses probably don't have as much nutritional value as they did in warmer months. not rated Published: October 30, 2008
  15. What kind of bit might be recommended for a Percheron cross that is presently pulling at (ignoring signals from) a jointed smooth 1/2" bar Pelham with 3" shanks? not rated Published: October 30, 2008

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