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Botany and Plant Pathology, Purdue University
Job Announcements
Purdue has the best university work environment in the country, according to a survey of researchers in the October 20, 2003 issue of The Scientist magazine. According to the responses of approximately 2,200 tenured faculty at U.S. institutions, Purdue offers its faculty the best combination of research support, infrastructure and other benefits. Among 130 institutions ranked, only the Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia exceeded the university's merits, making Purdue the top-ranked academic work environment at any U.S. university. Source: Purdue University News Service.

Faculty Positions:

Graduate Assistantships:

A limited number of teaching and research assistantships are available to qualified applicants. For more information, visit the Financial Support and Assistantships in our Graduate Programs area.

  • Turfgrass Pathology: A graduate research assistantship is available at the M.S. or Ph.D. level. The research project may involve any of several issues pertaining to turf disease management including, fungicide resistance in pathogen populations, environmental effects on disease outbreaks, and fungicide persistence. Students at the M.S. level must have some background and an interest in plant pathology. Students at the Ph.D. level must have experience in conducting independent research and a strong background and interest in plant pathology. Contact Dr. Richard Latin about this opportunity.

Post-Doctoral Positions:

Staff Positions:

Summer Positions:

Undergraduate / Work Study Positions:

Other Job Opportunities Available at Purdue University