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Isn't It Romantic?

Don't let the rainy days in April dampen your spirits. Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's collection of romance novels, feature movies and music will put you in a romantic mood.


From Our Collections

Chick Lit That Bites
Vamp it up with these paranormal romances!
Holiday Romance
Fall in love with the holidays.
Hot, Historical Romances
You may be able to predict the endings, but in these novels, it's the sensual way they get there that counts.
Paperback Romance Roundup
Ten more chances to fall in love with a love story.
Romance Books on CD
Listen to these books at home or in the car. Some can be downloaded from the web.
Romance Is In the Air
A random collection of romances ranging from laugh-out-loud funny to box-of-Kleenex sad.
Romance on DVDs
Check out new feature love films like Becoming Jane and Love in the Time of Cholera.
Romance Through the Years: Historical Romance for Teens
True love is timeless. These books prove love, heartbreak and happy endings have existed far longer than you or me.
The Teenaged Girl's Guide to Love, Romance and Friendship
Finding love is harder than you might think. These books will help teenaged girls navigate the rocky roads of romance.

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