Wednesday, March 4, 2009

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BUSINESS / ECONOMYFebruary 26, 2009

Government Offers Details of Bank Stress Test

Banks that fail the test would have to provide securities that could be converted to common stock in order to get additional government funds.

BOOKSFebruary 25, 2009

In Tough Times, the Humanities Must Justify Their Worth

Questions about the importance of the liberal arts in a complex and technologically demanding world have taken on new urgency.

DINING & WINEFebruary 25, 2009

Brooklyn’s New Culinary Movement

The borough has become an incubator for a culinary-minded generation whose idea of fun is learning how to make something delicious and finding a way to sell it.

MAGAZINEMarch 1, 2009

More Than One Way to Take Over a Bank

With private markets failing, there are rising calls to nationalize banks — but not the way Hugo Chávez and François Mitterrand did.

DINING & WINEFebruary 25, 2009

The Curious Cook: How Much Water Does Pasta Really Need?

The nation can save the equivalent of half a million gallons of oil a year by cooking pasta with less water and energy.

U.S. / POLITICSFebruary 25, 2009

Obama Vows, ‘We Will Rebuild’ and ‘Recover’

President Obama asked both houses of Congress to quickly address energy, education and health care.

USFebruary 25, 2009

Students Stand When Called Upon, and When Not

Classrooms in Minnesota have become test labs for a new kind of desk that allows students to stand or sit.

BUSINESSMarch 3, 2009

Harvard Medical School in Ethics Quandary

More than 200 Harvard Medical School students and sympathetic faculty are intent on exposing and curtailing the industry influence in their classrooms and laboratories.

TRAVELMarch 1, 2009

Heads Up: Outside Atlanta, a Utopia Rises

In an experiment in New Urbanism, the town of Palmetto aspires to be something of a Sonoma for the South (though without the wine).

DINING & WINEFebruary 25, 2009

For a New Generation, Kimchi Goes With Tacos

The popularity of Kogi Korean BBQ-To-Go is an example of the emerging firepower of Los Angeles’s Korean food purveyors.

OPINIONFebruary 27, 2009

Op-Ed Contributor: Yellow Is the New Green

What does a urine diversion toilet have to teach us all? A lot. The device can help us save energy, water, the oceans, and cheaply fertilize fields.

OPINIONFebruary 25, 2009

Maureen Dowd: I Ponied Up for Sheryl Crow?

Northern Trust of Chicago, if you’re not solvent, why are you using my tax dollars to party at a golf tournament?


What’s Eating Our Kids? Fears About ‘Bad’ Foods

Many experts worry that some parents are becoming overzealous in efforts to engender good eating habits in children.

SCIENCE / ENVIRONMENTFebruary 26, 2009

Mr. Whipple Left It Out: Soft Is Rough on Forests

The soft toilet paper that Americans love uses millions of trees, because recycled paper does not have the same feel.

HEALTHMarch 2, 2009

Good or Useless, Medical Scans Cost the Same

Studies show that as many as 50 percent of scans should never have been done because their results did not help.

OPINIONFebruary 27, 2009

Paul Krugman: Climate of Change

President Obama’s budget represents a huge break from policy trends. If he can get it through Congress, he will set America on a fundamentally new course.

SCIENCEMarch 3, 2009

Basics: In a Helpless Baby, the Roots of Our Social Glue

Babies display many of the characteristics that distinguish us from other animals.

OPINIONMarch 2, 2009

Op-Ed Contributor: One Ride Forward, Two Steps Back

Why front-facing strollers might be bad for child development.

OPINIONMarch 1, 2009

Frank Rich: The Ecstasy and the Agony

The president’s speech to Congress, brilliant as it was, could still be undermined by unchecked populist rage.

MAGAZINEMarch 1, 2009

The Ethicist: Check Account

Cashed; abashed; flashed.

OPINIONFebruary 28, 2009

Op-Ed Contributor: The Great Solvent North

Reconfiguring the American banking structure to look more like the Canadian model would help restore much-needed confidence in a beleaguered financial system.

OPINIONMarch 2, 2009

Paul Krugman: Revenge of the Glut

The international economic crisis is the revenge of the global saving glut. And the glut is still out there, worse than ever.

USMarch 1, 2009

Forced From Executive Pay to Hourly Wage

Mark Cooper’s tumble from security manager to janitor is one of the often hidden consequences of the downturn.

HEALTHFebruary 24, 2009

Well: The 3 R’s? A Fourth Is Crucial, Too: Recess

The best way to improve children’s performance in the classroom may be to take them out of it.

ARTS / MUSICFebruary 25, 2009

On the Road, for Reasons Practical and Spiritual

Religious devotion weighs heavily in both music and life for Leonard Cohen, and it takes many forms.