Wednesday, March 4, 2009

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Articles most frequently e-mailed by readers.

OPINIONFebruary 2, 2009

Abstract City: I LEGO N.Y.

An artist's daydream in a roomful of his kids' toys leads to a view of New York you've never seen.

HEALTHFebruary 10, 2009

Really?: The Claim: Never Blow Your Nose When You Have a Cold

Some people argue blowing your nose reverses the flow of mucus into the sinuses and slows drainage.

EDUCATIONFebruary 18, 2009

Student Expectations Seen as Causing Grade Disputes

College professors have observed that their students feel entitled to receive A’s and B’s for simply completing basic coursework.


Basics: Low-Tech Fixes for High-Tech Problems

When your credit card won’t swipe, reach for a plastic bag. And put your cellphone in the fridge.

JOB MARKETFebruary 15, 2009

Career Couch: A Cover Letter Is Not Expendable

Cover letters are still necessary, and in a competitive market they can give you a serious edge.

FASHION & STYLEFebruary 8, 2009

You Try to Live on 500K in This Town

The president's Wall Street salary cap threatens life as some know it in Manhattan.


Laid-Off Foreigners Flee as Dubai Spirals Down

As layoffs hit Dubai’s foreign workers, their departure is making parts of the city look like a ghost town.

NEW YORK REGIONFebruary 10, 2009

For Catholics, a Door to Absolution Is Reopened

Indulgences are available at several churches in New York City, where many have never heard of them outside history class.

BUSINESS / ECONOMYFebruary 26, 2009

Government Offers Details of Bank Stress Test

Banks that fail the test would have to provide securities that could be converted to common stock in order to get additional government funds.

OPINIONFebruary 5, 2009

Op-Ed Contributor: Till Children Do Us Part

Research has shown that three’s a crowd when it comes to a happy marriage, yet American parents are spending more and more of their time caring for their children. But there are ways to improve marital satisfaction.

HEALTHFebruary 24, 2009

Well: The 3 R’s? A Fourth Is Crucial, Too: Recess

The best way to improve children’s performance in the classroom may be to take them out of it.

BOOKSFebruary 25, 2009

In Tough Times, the Humanities Must Justify Their Worth

Questions about the importance of the liberal arts in a complex and technologically demanding world have taken on new urgency.

OPINIONFebruary 15, 2009

Thomas L. Friedman: Yes, They Could. So They Did.

In New Delhi, it was refreshing to meet idealistic young people who are not waiting for governments to act, but are starting their own projects and driving innovation.

HEALTHFebruary 17, 2009

Well: Vitamin Pills: A False Hope?

About half of all adults take some form of dietary supplement, but are these extra vitamins having any effect?

DINING & WINEFebruary 25, 2009

Brooklyn’s New Culinary Movement

The borough has become an incubator for a culinary-minded generation whose idea of fun is learning how to make something delicious and finding a way to sell it.

OPINIONFebruary 15, 2009

Frank Rich: They Sure Showed That Obama

In the stimulus battle — just as in the presidential campaign — Barack Obama has once again outwitted the punditocracy and the opposition.

MAGAZINEMarch 1, 2009

More Than One Way to Take Over a Bank

With private markets failing, there are rising calls to nationalize banks — but not the way Hugo Chávez and François Mitterrand did.

ARTSFebruary 9, 2009

A New Puzzle Challenges Math Skills

KenKen, which starts in The New York Times today, is a new numerical logic puzzle from Japan.

DINING & WINEFebruary 25, 2009

The Curious Cook: How Much Water Does Pasta Really Need?

The nation can save the equivalent of half a million gallons of oil a year by cooking pasta with less water and energy.

OPINIONFebruary 24, 2009

Op-Ed Contributors: The I’s Have It

Since his election, President Obama has been roundly criticized for using “I” instead of “me.” Here is a tip, Mr. President.

U.S. / POLITICSFebruary 25, 2009

Obama Vows, ‘We Will Rebuild’ and ‘Recover’

President Obama asked both houses of Congress to quickly address energy, education and health care.

OPINIONFebruary 6, 2009

Paul Krugman: On the Edge

Washington has lost any sense of the reality that we may well be falling into an economic abyss, and that if we do, it will be very hard to get out again.

MAGAZINEFebruary 15, 2009

The No-Stats All-Star

The N.B.A. (learning from baseball) is discovering the power of new statistics and weird analytics. By these measures, the unsung and undervalued Shane Battier is a true all-star.

OPINIONFebruary 13, 2009

Op-Ed Contributor: The Maggots in Your Mushrooms

The unsettling reality is that despite food’s cheery packaging and nutritional labeling, we don’t really know what we’re putting into our mouths.

BOOKSFebruary 16, 2009

The Future of Reading: In Web Age, Library Job Gets Update

School librarians are increasingly teaching digital skills, but they often become the first casualties of budget crunches.