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Organic Farmgate and Wholesale Prices



The organic farmgate and wholesale price data set contains:

  • Monthly organic and conventional farmgate prices for broccoli and carrots,
  • Monthly organic and conventional wholesale (first receiver) prices for poultry (broilers) and eggs,
  • Monthly organic market (f.o.b. or spot) prices for grain and feedstuffs,
  • Monthly organic and conventional wholesale prices for broccoli, carrots, and mesclun mix, and
  • A limited set of organic prices (and corresponding conventional prices) for other fruits and vegetables from the Boston and San Francisco wholesale markets.

For help understanding the data sets, see About This Product or the Glossary.


Data Set Last Updated
Farmgate broccoli prices Farmgate broccoli prices, 1999-2007
February 2008
Farmgate carrots prices Farmgate carrots prices, 1999-2007
February 2008
Wholesale (first receiver) poultry prices Wholesale (first receiver) poultry prices, 2004-07
February 2008
Wholesale (first receiver) egg prices Wholesale (first receiver) egg prices, 2004-07
February 2008
Wholesale organic grain and feedstuff prices Market grain and feedstuff prices, 2007
February 2008
Wholesale broccoli prices, Boston Wholesale broccoli prices, Boston, 1999-2007
February 2008
Wholesale carrot prices, Boston Wholesale carrot prices, Boston, 1995-2007
February 2008
Wholesale mesclun mix, Boston Wholesale mesclun mix, Boston, 1995-2007
February 2008
Wholesale fruit prices, Boston and San Francisco Wholesale fruit prices, Boston and San Francisco, 2007 and 2005-06
February 2008
Wholesale vegetable prices, Boston and San Francisco, 2005 Wholesale vegetable prices, Boston and San Francisco, 2007 and 2005-06
February 2008
Wholesale fruit prices, Boston, 1993-2001 Wholesale fruit prices, Boston, 1993-2001
April 2001
Wholesale vegetable prices, San Francisco, 1999-2001 Wholesale vegetable prices, San Francisco, 1999-2001
April 2001
All nine tables All fourteen tables
February 2008

Related Resources

Organic Poultry and Eggs Capture High Price Premiums and Growing Share of Specialty Markets—Organic poultry and egg markets in the United States are expanding rapidly. This report examines trends in markets, animal numbers, and prices for organic poultry and eggs. Price comparisons between organic and conventional broilers and eggs show significant organic price premiums for both.

Price Premiums Hold on as the U.S. Organic Produce Market Expands—Fresh produce has long been an important component of the organic food sector. Despite higher prices for organic products, the number of consumers purchasing organic produce is growing. Price premiums for organic products have contributed to growth in certified organic farmland and, ultimately, market expansion.

Recent Growth Patterns in the U.S. Organic Foods Market—Economic research on recent growth patterns in the U.S. organic sector, by market category, and a description of the marketing channels for major organic commodity groups.

Related Links

Organic Agriculture Briefing Room—U.S. producers are turning to certified organic farming systems as a potential way to lower input costs, decrease reliance on nonrenewable resources, capture high-value markets and premium prices, and boost farm income.

U.S. Organic Production, 1992-2005—Data on organic farming in the United States, including certified acreage and livestock numbers as USDA national organic rules were implemented.


For more information, contact: Carolyn Dimitri

Web administration:

Updated date: March 11, 2008