
The 44th President

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A compromise is reached over the standoff on subpoenaing top Bush aides in the firings of federal prosecutors.

As Prime Minister Gordon Brown headed back to London, the White House issued this unusual statement on Wednesday afternoon that laid out in significant detail how much President Obama enjoyed his visit with Mr. Brown.

On Wednesday, the Obamas had a swing set installed at the executive mansion, just outside the Oval Office.

Gun rights advocates influence the path of legislation that would grant residents in the nation's capital a voting seat in the House of Representatives.

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For Young President, Flecks of Gray

For a guy who prides himself on a stress-free demeanor, the changes above President Obama’s temples may be speckled evidence of the strains of the job.

U.S. Sets Big Incentives to Head Off Foreclosures

The Obama administration began an ambitious effort to help troubled homeowners, offering lenders and borrowers big incentives and subsidies.

Unlucky or Unwise, Some Borrowers Are Left Out

The president’s housing rescue plan does little for borrowers who have had major jolts to their income, or who owe more than their home’s value on loans over $729,750.

Obama Taps Clinton Ideas but Not Clinton Herself

As Hillary Rodham Clinton keeps her distance from President Obama’s health care plan, the White House is grappling with the cloud that still lingers over her failed policy from the 1990s.

Top Bush Aides to Testify in Attorneys’ Firings

Karl Rove and Harriet E. Miers, top former aides to President George W. Bush, will testify under oath, despite previous legal claims that they could not do so because of executive privilege.

Obama to Change Contract Awarding

President Obama says he intends to do away with no-bid contracts that have cost billions and led to corruption investigations.

Charities Say Government Is Ignoring Them in Crisis

President Obama’s budget proposal came as a slap in the face to many nonprofits, which thought they had a friend in him because of his work as a community organizer.

Bill in Senate Spurs Debate Over Easing Ban on Cuba

The $410 billion spending bill working its way through Congress would ease some travel and trade restrictions enacted under the Bush administration.

Brown Urges Bold Effort to Shape an Expansion

Gordon Brown urged American leaders to “seize the moment” to work through the global economic crisis.

Interactive Feature INTERACTIVE FEATURE: Analyzing Obama’s Inaugural Speech

Interactive video and transcript of President Obama’s inaugural remarks on Jan. 20, 2009.

Interactive Graphic INTERACTIVE GRAPHIC: Milestones: Barack Obama

An interactive timeline of Barack Obama’s life and career.

Video Feature VIDEO FEATURE: Choosing a President

Katharine Q. Seelye narrates a look back at the two-year campaign, including its coda.

New York Times/CBS News Poll Index

Poll Watch

New York Times/CBS News Poll Index

Articles and the complete results of recent surveys.


Campaign 2008

Videos, slide shows and interactives from the 2008 campaign.

To Keep in Touch, Obama Picks Up the Phone

When he has a few spare minutes, President Obama often makes a call.

Opening the White House

The White House can be inaccessible, but there's an intense effort under way to open the doors of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to a variety of people.

Analyzing Obama’s Speech to Congress

Interactive video and transcript of President Obama’s address before a joint session of Congress on Feb. 24, 2009, with annotations from New York Times reporters.

President Obama Releases Budget

White House correspondent Peter Baker on President Obama's new budget blueprint, which estimates a stunning deficit of $1.75 trillion for the current fiscal year.

Kennedy’s Last Goal

Battling time and the perception that he is too ailing to be effective, Senator Edward M. Kennedy is determined to lay the groundwork for health care reform.

The Stimulus Plan: How to Spend $787 Billion

A detailed look at the final package passed by Congress.

Politics Podcast
Politics Podcast

Sam Roberts talks to David D. Kirkpatrick, Jeff Zeleny Floyd Norris and Janet Elder about President Obama’s week.

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Interactive Inauguration Multimedia

Complete collection of photography, videos and interactive graphics from Barack Obama’s inauguration.