Alternative swine housing: A brief review of tarp-covered hooped structures with deep bedding for grow-finish pigs

M.S. Honeyman, animal science department, Iowa State University

An alternative housing system is available for grow-finish swine which consists of a hooped-pipe. Quonset-shaped structure covered with fabric tarp. The ends are open most of the year. A concrete pad is at one end with feeder and waterer. The remaining area is deep bedded and cleaned after each group of pigs is marketed. Over 400 shelters are used for pig finishing in Manitoba.

Several trials were conducted during 1992 and 1993 in Canada by University of Manitoba animal scientists and agricultural engineers. Groups of 175-178 grow-finish pigs were raised in a 30’ x 72’ shelter and their performance compared to pigs fed in a conventional, partially slatted finishing barn at the same location. Starting weight ranged from 50-75 lb. Market weight was 220 lb.

General observations, results and conclusions from these trials are as follows:

Iowa State University has a total of four hooped-pipe Quonset-shaped, tarp-covered structures located on two research farms. One structure has housed a small number of gestating swine from a demonstration project. Our preliminary observations follow:

More detailed trials for housing swine in these structures are planned for the future. It appears that these shelters may provide a versatile alternative to conventional swine confinement housing systems.


Connor, M.L. 1993. BioTech shelters. Alternative housing for feeder pigs. Manitoba Swine Seminar Proceedings 7:81.

Connor, M.L. 1993. Evaluation of biotech housing for feeder pigs. Manitoba Swine Update July 1993 5(3):1.

Connor, M.L. 1994. Update on alternative housing for pigs. Manitoba Swine Seminar Proceedings 8:93-96.

Connor, M.L., L. Onischuk, Q. Zhang, R.J. Parker and J.I. Elliot. 1994. Alternative Housing with Canadian Biotech shelters and a review of some European concepts. Canadian Society of Agr. Engineering 1994 proceedings.

Zhang, Q., M.G. Britton, M.L. Connor, R.J. Parker and J.I. Elliot. 1993. Environmental evaluation of an outdoor shelter for swine. American Society of Agricultural Engineers-International Winter Meeting paper no. 93-4520.

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Texas Tech University

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