Entry bubble Spressing the Luv on Valentine’s Day

By: Ginger | February 13, 2009 | Category: General

Once I took my 6 year-old nephew, Solomon, out for pizza.   There was a young couple across the aisle kissing and having a private moment.  My nephew pointed at them and in a very loud voice announced to all the folks in the tri-state area, “Look Auntie Marmoo, they are spressing the luv!”  I don’t think the young couple heard… they were clearly distracted.

Valentine heartWell, there will be no “spressing the luv” at my house this Valentine’s Day.  About 6 months ago, I bought a new shower brush to scrub my back.   I hung it by the bathtub.  This weekend, my husband was taking his turn to clean the bathroom.  I happened to walk by and saw what he was doing.  I discovered that he thought my shower brush was a toilet brush and he’s been using my back scrubby-brush to clean the toilet!

My husband tried to put a positive spin on the situation.  He said, “It can’t be that bad.  I’ve been using that thing to clean the toilet ever since you bought it and you never noticed.”  Well, you know what they say payback is… and I’m here to tell you, her name is Auntie Marmoo!  I wonder how long it will take him to realize that I’ve started using his toothbrush to brush all of our pets’ teeth?

Anyway, Saturday is Valentine’s Day, and you are probably wondering what Valentine’s Day has to do with the government.  I did a quick search just to see what would come up on USA.gov.

Did you know you can send a Valentine message to your loved ones serving in the military?  A video store in central Illinois is running a program to send donated DVDs and a valentine message to soldiers in Iraq

The Census has a Valentine Fact page that has some interesting statistics regarding Valentine candy, flowers, and jewelry.

Do you wonder about the origin of Valentine’s Day?  Check out this Valentine page brought to you by The Library of Congress.

Have a wonderful Valentine weekend and ladies make sure your husbands understand the difference between a toilet brush and a shower brush.

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