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Staff Biographical Page: Janet Perry

Janet Perry
Deputy Director for Market Analysis and Outlook
Room N5117
1800 M Street NW
Washington, DC
phone: (202) 694-5152
fax: (202) 694-5797


Janet Perry is Deputy Director for Market Analysis and Outlook in ERS’s Market and Trade Economics Division. Janet’s background in anthropology and agricultural economics gives her a unique outlook on agricultural and farm policy and the use of survey materials in analysis. Current work includes examining how the market is impacted by shocks such as trade bans due to animal disease, how supply meets consumer preferences through contracting and price discovery for livestock and meat, and analysis of critical points in the livestock industry supply chain. She is also pursuing the development of web-based databases for personalized queries.


Janet joined ERS in 1990 and served in the Farm Structure and Performance Branch before moving to the Markets and Trade Economic Division in 2000 where she was the Chief of the Animal Products Branch. Her research focus is on livestock market structure, particularly the effects of contracting on price discovery. She has also studied the farm characteristics and demography of small farm households. Through her work on the USDA Agricultural Resource Management Study (ARMS), she developed research projects including farmers’ use of risk management strategies, farm business-farm household linkages, and the distribution of government commodity payments. These interests led to her role as an advisor to the Secretary’s Small Farms Commission. In 1999, Janet was a member of a team that received the Secretary’s Honor Award for Superior Service for their creation of a unique farm typology, which has enabled ERS to more accurately describe and assess structural characteristics of U.S. farms. Before joining ERS, she did market analysis for Halliburton Services and Public Service Company of New Mexico. Earlier, she was an archeologist for New Mexico State University’s Cultural Resources Management Division, where she studied resource use on Native American lands.


Janet has a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from Oklahoma State University. Her M.S. in Agricultural Economics is from New Mexico State University and her B.A., also from New Mexico State University, is in Anthropology.

Professional Affiliations

Janet is an active member of the American Agricultural Economics Association, serving on committees and as a reviewer for the American Journal of Agricultural Economics. She is past chair and board member of the AAEA Committee on Women and Agricultural Economics. Other memberships include the USDA Economists Group, Southern Agricultural Economics Association, and the American Association of University Women.


ERS publications by this author

Perry, Janet and James M. MacDonald, "Mandatory Pricing Reporting:More Transparent?" in Amber Waves, November 2005.

Perry, Janet, James MacDonald, Ken Nelson, William Hahn, Carlos Arnade, and Gerald Plato, Did the Mandatory Requirement Aid the Market? Impact of the Livestock Mandatory Reporting Act. Washington: Economic Research Service, Report No. LDP-M-135-01, September 2005.

MacDonald, James M. and Janet Perry, "Contact Use Continues to Expand," in Amber Waves, November 2004.

MacDonald, James M., Janet Perry, Mary Ahearn, David Banker, William Chambers, Carolyn Dimitri, Nigel Key, Kenneth Nelson, and Leland Southard, Contracts, Markets, and Prices: Organizing the Production and Use of Agricultural Commodities. Washington: Economic Research Service, Agricultural Economic Report No. AER837, November 2004.

Krissoff, Barry, Fred Kuchler, Kenneth Nelson, Janet Perry, and Agapi Somwaru, Country-of-Origin Labeling: Theory and Observation. Washington: Economic Research Service, Report No. WRS04-02, January 2004.

Perry, Janet and James D. Johnson, “Market Access, Structure, Contracts and Prices,” The 2002 Farm Bill: Policy Options and Consequences, edited by Joe L. Outlaw and Edward G. Smith, Oak Brook, IL: Farm Foundation, Publication No. 2001-01, September 2001.

Mishra, Ashok and Janet Perry, "Forward Contracting of Inputs: A Farm-Level Analysis," Journal of Agribusiness, Vol. 17, No. 2 (Fall 1999), pp. 77-91.

Hoppe, Robert, Janet Perry, and David Banker, ERS Farm Typology for a Diverse Ag Sector, Washington: Economic Research Service, AIB 759, August 1999.

Hoppe, Robert, Janet Perry, and David Banker, “ERS Farm Typology for a Diverse Ag Sector,” poster presentation at the American Agricultural Economists Association meeting in Nashville, TN, August 1999. Best of Show award.

Harwood, Joy, Richard Heifner, Keith Coble, Janet Perry, and Agapi Somwaru, Managing Risk in Farming: Concepts, Research, and Analysis, Washington: Economic Research Service, AER 774, March 1999.

Skees, Jerry, Joy Harwood, Agapi Somwaru, and Janet Perry, “The Potential for Revenue Insurance Policies in the South,” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 30, No. 1, July 1998.

Perry, Janet, Robert Hoppe, and others,"Small Farms in the U.S, a Report from the Small Farms Commission," Agricultural Outlook, Washington: Economic Research Service, AGO-251, May 1998.

Ryan, James, David Peacock, and Janet Perry, "Financial Prospects, Business Organization, and Management: Farm Business Challenges," in Proceedings, Agricultural Outlook Forum ‘98 (Farm Finance Forum--Farm and Rural Business Challenges), February 24, 1998, Washington: USDA, April 1998.

Perry, Janet and James D. Johnson, “Farmers’ Risk Management Strategies in a Changing Environment,” poster presented at the Risk Management Summit, Kansas City, Missouri, September 16-17, 1997.

Perry, Janet, Mitchel Morehart, Hisham El-Osta, and James Ryan, Financial Performance of Farm Businesses, 1991-94, Washington: Economic Research Service, AER 751, June 1997.

Perry, Janet, Mitch Morehart, David Banker, and Jim Johnson, "Contracting—A Business Option for Many Farmers," Agricultural Outlook, AO-240, May 1997.

Sommer, Judith and Janet Perry, “1996 Agricultural Legislation Cuts Link Between Income Support Payments and Farm Prices,” Rural Conditions and Trends, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 56-61, December 1996.

Perry, Janet, Mitchel Morehart, Jim Johnson, and David Banker, Farmers’ Use of Marketing and Production Contracts, Washington: Economic Research Service: AER 747, December 1996.

Morehart, Mitchel and Janet Perry, “Financial Performance of U.S. Farm Businesses, 1991-1994,” Agricultural Income Situation and Outlook, Washington: Economic Research Service, AIS-59, December 1995.

Perry, Janet, Anne Effland, Norah Keating, and Fran Shaver, “Gender and Generation on Family Farms,” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 1995 Special Issue, pp. 115-130.

Perry, Janet and Mary C. Ahearn, “Farm Women Blend Farm and Off-farm Work,” Rural Development Perspectives, Vol. 9, Issue 3.

Johnson, James D. and Janet Perry, “The Viability of the Family Farm as a Business Enterprise: A U.S. Perspective,” paper presented at the Australian Agricultural Outlook Conference, August 1993.

Perry, Janet, “Farm Household Income Estimates Provide Additional Perspective on Farm Families,” Agricultural Income and Financial Situation and Outlook, Washington: Economic Research Service, AFO-49, May 1993.

Perry, Janet and Mary C. Ahearn, “Change Proposed for Farm Payment Limits,” in Agricultural Outlook, Washington: Economic Research Service, April 1993.

Perry, Janet E. and Mary C. Ahearn, Limited Opportunity Farm Households in 1988. Washington: Economic Research Service, AIB 662, February 1993.

Perry, Janet, “Analyzing the Decision to Farm,” Oklahoma Current Farm Economics, Vol. 65(4):29-38. December 1992.

Perry, Janet, “Economic Well-Being of Farm Operator Households, 1990,” Agricultural Income and Finance: Situation and Outlook, Washington: Economic Research Service, May 1992.

Perry, Janet and Luther G. Tweeten, “Benefits and Costs of Farm Families Leaving The Farm: An Oklahoma Case,” Research in Domestic and International Agribusiness Management, edited by Ray A. Goldberg, JAI Press, Greenwich, Connecticut, Chapter 1, Volume 10, 1992

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Updated date: March 28, 2006