Entry bubble More Ways to Save on Heating Bills

By: Jake | October 27, 2008 | Category: Home and Family

It was cold last week and it looks like we are in for more of the same, according to this National Weather Service chart. It's time to put away all the summer clothes, get the sweaters and jackets out and get ready to click that thermostat switch.

ThermostatI posted last month about how the Department of Energy's Energy Savers blog can give you a few tips on how to save on heating costs this winter. The folks who run the blog, the Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Office, have also revamped their website with the theme "Stay Warm, Save Money."

Not only do they have detailed information on energy audits for apartments, homes and small businesses, but they have no cost and low cost tips on how to save energy (and therefore money) this winter. These tips are things you can do in the short term. These include letting the sun in during the day, covering drafty windows and turning the thermostat down when you are out of the house. The most intriguing suggestion to me is the idea about turning the water heater down to the "warm setting (120 F)." Not only could this save you money, but it'll save your hands from some scalding.

They also provide long-term investments for energy savings like installing a programmable thermostat or purchasing energy efficient appliances. These suggestions will make your wallet lighter, but not to worry, they link to ways you can find financial assistance for energy-saving improvements.

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