Entry bubble Find a Job

By: Joanne | May 20, 2008 | Category: Money

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Are you sick of your job? Are you ready to move on to other things? Are you unemployed and wearing a deep groove in your parents’ sofa? A student looking for an internship? It sounds like you need a job.

From time to time, we all need to look for a job, and I don’t know if you find it easy, but most of us don’t. You’ve got to figure out what you want to do, determine if there’s a market for the occupation that interests you, polish that resume, and begin the hunt.

It’s always good to look in the local paper or check an online source for local job listings, but the government’s got some resources to help too. If you’re looking for a job or an internship with the federal government, you’ll find all openings announced to the public at USAJOBS. Check out your state job bank for even more job opportunities in your area. If you need a helping hand, look up your local Department of Labor office and see what services they offer to job seekers in your area. And if the job sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Be aware of job scams.

p.s. Thanks for all your great suggestions in response to my post last week! This post was inspired by one of your comments, and we'll be using more of your ideas in coming posts.

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Entry bubble Finding a Job That’s Right for You

By: Sam | January 02, 2008 | Category: Home and Family

O.K, you may have not made the cut for Celebrity Apprentice, Project Runway, or American Idol.  But there’s still a great job out there for you.  You just have to “make it work” as my favorite fashion guru likes to say.

Take it from me, after my dreams of being a rock star were dashed by the fact I can’t carry a tune, I turned to another passion:  public service.  I always knew with whatever career path I chose, I wanted to have the opportunity to make a difference.  During my job hunt, I saw federal service as a way for me to accomplish this goal.  Thankfully, a search on USAJobs gave me the chance to work with the folks from Pueblo, CO.

Now, I know working for Uncle Sam isn’t for everyone, but the government does have tons of great career resources.  For instance, the “Finding a Job” page on USA.gov connects you to info on choosing a career, building a resume, applying for jobs, and more.  There’s also the “Employment” section of Pueblo.gsa.gov and the “Jobseekers” tab on the Department of Labor’s homepage that are full of useful tips and services.

I’ve also found the followings sites to be a source of really great and sometimes humorous career advice:

Please feel free to suggest other career resources that you’ve found helpful.  Or share a great “You’re Hired!” story.

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