Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Mahmoud Karzai, right, with a model of an apartment project in Kabul, has cultivated ties that have helped his ventures grow.
Lynsey Addario for The New York Times

Mahmoud Karzai, right, with a model of an apartment project in Kabul, has cultivated ties that have helped his ventures grow.

Mahmoud Karzai’s swift rise has stirred suspicion among Afghans, who resent his brother’s seeming tolerance for unsavory activities.

China Outlines Ambitious Plan for Stimulus

Premier Wen Jiabao did not explicitly announce any new stimulus spending beyond what was committed in November.

50 Years After Revolt, Clampdown on Tibetans

Chinese authorities have imposed unofficial martial law in areas where ethnic Tibetans live.

Court Issues Arrest Warrant for Sudan’s Leader

President Omar Hassan al-Bashir was charged by the International Criminal Court with war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Scandal Threatens Opposition in Japan

A campaign donation problem is threatening the Japanese opposition leader just as his party appears poised to unseat the long-governing Liberal Democratic Party.

Iran Looms Over Clinton’s Mideast Trip

After three days of meetings in the Middle East, the Secretary of State said she was struck by the depth of concerns about Iran.

20 Are Detained After Cricket Attack

A police official gave no details of the identities of those being held in the attack on the Sri Lankan team.

Brown Urges Bold Effort to Shape an Expansion

Gordon Brown urged American leaders to “seize the moment” to work through the global economic crisis.

Afghan Panel Rejects Karzai Decree for Early Elections

The election commission rejected a decree by President Hamid Karzai that moved presidential elections to the spring, insisting they should be in August.

Baghdad Bureau

A blog produced in the Iraqi capital by Times staff to supplement daily news reports on the war in Iraq.

Memo From Singapore

East Asia’s Small Edens of Trade Wilt as Need for Exports Dries Up

Small, globalized trading centers like Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan are proving to be particularly vulnerable to the wave of global economic troubles.

Women’s Shelters in Afghanistan

Women in Afghanistan who would have previously had no place to turn in abusive situations can now go to shelters run by four organizations.

International Herald Tribune

News from the global edition of The New York Times.

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